Liana Fricker

What to expect?

This is your opportunity to learn, engage, and help build a more inclusive and representative future by creating inclusive recruitment and leadership. The session will include real life case studies and an interactive recruitment exercise, as well as an opportunity to share and learn from other SMEs and startups.

Who should attend?

This virtual event is open to SMEs and startups participating (or who previously participated) in Imperial entrepreneurship programmes such as Undaunted’s Better Futures Retrofit Accelerator, the Greenhouse, Enterprise Lab, that are looking to grow their teams.

This uniquely designed event encourages participation of founders and their teams belonging (but not limited to) the following underrepresented groups – BAME, women, disabled persons, neurodivergent persons, and the LGBTQI+ community in our startup portfolios.

Partners behind the accelerator

This event is organised by the Better Futures programme, powered by Imperial College London, via Undaunted and Enterprise, in partnership with the Greater London Authority, co-funded by the UK government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund.

The Better Futures programme supports London’s SMEs to address the Net Zero decarbonisation and sustainability challenges at scale.

Undaunted is a partnership between Imperial’s Grantham Institute – Climate Change and the Environment and The Royal Institution

Note: Is there anything we can do to enable you to be able to fully participate in this event? Please email Undaunted specify any accessibility requirements.