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Welcome to the webpage for the conference “Paths between Probability, PDEs, and Physics” which will be held at Imperial College London from July 1st to July 5th, 2019. We will have invited talks from speakers specializing in stochastic analysis, rough paths, statistical mechanics, random surfaces, quantum field theory, stochastic PDE/ODE, dispersive PDE, and stochastic homogenization.

Speakers include: Abdelmalek Abdesselam, Ismaël Bailleul, Giuseppe Cannizzaro, Ilya Chevyrev, Arnaud Debussche, Mitia Duerinckx, Chenjie Fan, Peter Friz*, Benjamin Gess, Antoine Gloria, Yu Gu, Massimiliano Gubinelli, Martina Hofmanova, Antti Kupiainen, Cyril Labbé, Terry Lyons, Jason Miller, Jean-Christophe Mourrat, Tadahiro Oh, Felix Otto, Nicolas Perkowski, Lenya Ryzhik, Hao Shen, Balint Toth, Lorenzo Zambotti, Xicheng Zhang

*=to be confirmed.

The conference is being organised by Ajay Chandra, Martin Hairer, and Weijun Xu with financial support from the ERC and EPSRC.

We will be able to provide travel support and accommodation for a small number of junior participants.


A schedule for the conference can be found here. Titles and abstracts can be found here.


All talks will be held at the Reed Lecture Theatre at Sherfield Hall at Imperial College London.
Sherfield Hall can be found on this map.


A poster for the conference can be found here.

Contact us

The organisers can be reached at the following e-mail address: p4conference2019 *at* gmail.com.

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