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Dr Marion Ferrat and Dr Renée van Diemen: International Climate Agreements and Processes


Science and policy are intertwined inaddressing the challenges presented by climatechange. The role of the IntergovernmentalPanel on Climate Change (IPCC) is to assess thescience related to climate change. It providespolicymakers with regular assessments, whichprovides the scientific basis for governments todevelop climate-related policies and theyunderlie the negotiations at the UN ClimateConference. This talk will provide a briefoverview of the history of climate agreementsand the role of the IPCC.


Marion Ferrat and Renée van Diemen arepart of the Working Group III (WG III) TechnicalSupport Unit of the IPCC. WG III covers themitigation of climate change, i.e. methods forreducing emissions of greenhouse gases andenhancing atmospheric sinks. Marion is thehead of communications and stakeholderengagement. Renée works within the scienceteam.