We aim to build a supportive, diverse and highly motivated staff community that will help us to attract and retain talent.

Our staff are working to enhance our students’ experience and foster a secure, communal environment. Through building strong relationships with our alumni and friends, we maintain a mutually beneficial exchange of ideas and provide extra support for research undertaken by our staff.

Achieving true equality, diversity and inclusion across our staff and student communities is a challenge we continue to face, and we have a way to go. Our drive to achieve this is reflected in activities such as our Shifting the Lens series celebrating diversity at Imperial and development programmes such as the Imperial as One Media Academy, which offers specialist training to Black, Asian, Minority Ethnic students and staff.

2021–22 in focus

Promoting a positive culture

A new initiative has been established at Imperial to help drive a positive culture for working and learning. Through Imperial Together, we aim to develop an environment that promotes kindness and mutual support, as well as enabling open, honest and respectful conversations and interactions.

Imperial Together is underpinned by a new Values and Behaviours framework, developed in consultation with hundreds of staff and students over a two-year period.

“Behaving in a way that creates a positive environment is everyone’s responsibility. Imperial Together reinforces that.”

Professor Ian Walmsley, Provost, Imperial College London

Understanding our history

As a community, we are working together to deepen our understanding of the College’s past and find new ways to mark the impact of brilliant but undercelebrated people from our history.

In October 2021, the College’s independent History Group – made up of staff, students and external historians – published a report that contained a number of recommendations, including reconsidering the names of some locations on our campuses and new ways to celebrate the contributions of members of our community who deserve greater recognition.

Following the publication of the report, the President and Provost launched a dialogue with the community on the subject, which has been shared online to enable students and staff to engage with the range of views shared. The College has now pledged that Imperial will find ways to mark the impact and contributions of undercelebrated people from our past, which includes Nobel laureate Professor Abdus Salam and engineer Constance Tipper. The College has committed to launch an ambitious project to provide context and clarification surrounding the contributions of historical figures associated with Imperial.

Representing our diverse community

Alongside the History Group, our Artworks Group is working to address a lack of diversity in the art displayed on Imperial campuses.

The Group’s first projects were announced in spring 2021 and included the launch of a new Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Portrait Prize with the Royal College of Art and the development of the Culture Channel, which will curate images and videos showcasing the Imperial community on digital screens across our campuses. The Group will also lead a review of the artworks currently on display at Imperial.

“Everyone should be able to see themselves reflected in the art on our walls and in our public spaces.”

Emeritus Professor Sian Harding, Founding Chair of the Imperial Artworks Group.

Race Equality Charter

Imperial has been granted Bronze status by Advance HE’s Race Equality Charter. The five-year award recognises the College’s work and commitment to  improve the representation, progression and success of Minority Ethnic staff and students, and address racial inequality.

“We have a long road ahead of us and a lot to learn, reflect on and change in order for our minoritised community to see and feel positive changes.”

Anique Varleigh, Co-chair, Race Equality Charter Self-Assessment Team.

Scholarships Challenge galvanises student support

More than 1,000 Imperial donors have given nearly £14 million towards scholarships that will support the next generation of Imperial students.

The Scholarships Challenge Campaign launched in June 2021 as part of our wider commitment to provide scholarship opportunities to students from backgrounds traditionally underrepresented at Imperial. By June 2022, 1,098 alumni and friends had donated £13.7 million to support a wide range of scholarships across the College.

“The impact of these scholarships cannot be understated – they are a source of hope, confidence and opportunity for bright young people who might otherwise miss out on an Imperial education.”

Michael Murphy, Vice-President (Advancement)

New funds to support refugees

A new scholarship fund totalling almost £250,000, will support students from displaced communities, such as asylum seekers and refugees. The donor-backed Sanctuary Scholarship Fund provides scholarships at both undergraduate and Master’s levels.

The College is matching donations received for the fund and aims to award the first scholarships as early as the 2022–23 academic year. The College will also widen support for PhD students and academics who have been displaced from their home country due to war, political unrest or environmental crisis.

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Operational review: Partners