
As part of the annual College financial planning round future student numbers, headcount and FTE, and tuition fee income are planned in detail. The planned student numbers and tuition fee income are incorporated into the College wide financial plan. A collaborative planning tool, Hyperion Planning, is used to capture and collate the planning information.


Student Number Planning

As part of the annual College financial planning process, departments are required to provide future years’ student headcount numbers and tuition fee rates. The years required to amend/ review are the next financial year, and the 2 years following (e.g. 2024 planning round will require 2024-25, 2025-26 and 2026-27 numbers to be reviewed).

There are 2 or more iterations of this process to ensure that faculties can review that the fee rates and student headcount entered accurately reflect their growth plans.

A user manual is available with instructions on how to install SmartView and complete the student number and tuition income planning process which can be found here:

Hyperion Planning User Manual (PDF)

Hyperion Planning User Manual - Mac users (PDF)


Log in to Hyperion Planning through SmartView

For use in the Planning Round, please log in to the Production environment using the following shared connection URL: 

Student Fee Income

A re-forecast focused on fee income occurs in the January-early February of the current financial year, using current year enrolled student numbers (as at the end of December) and prior year teaching proportions to allocate post- service income. FP&A will calculate and post this to Hyperion planning, which faculties and departments can review.

For more information regarding the calculation of teaching proportions, please see FP&A Teaching Proportions.

To view the prior year teaching proportions, please see the Teaching Proportions PowerBI report.

Additional Information and FAQs

The tool is a web based financial planning product that supports collaborative planning activities across the College using standard process and forms to guide planners and collect and consolidate data automatically. Initially Hyperion Planning will only be used to plan the student number and tuition fee income part of the planning round. The tools will be accessible to all planners in Excel using the SmartView add-in.

Hyperion Planning provides a standard process to plan student number and tuition income which will be used by all those involved in this part of the planning process across the College. Planners will benefit from being able to collaborate in a single planning environment with a standard process every planner will follow. The process has been designed to require as miniminal an amount of input from planners as possible. Automatic collection and aggregation of input data and calculation of output information will make the planning of student number and tuition income much faster and more efficient whilst ensuring that Departments retain ownership of the planned student FTE and tuition income.

Pending students complete the enrolling process by the end of December and captures most dropouts. This is therefore seen as the point in which income is highly likely to be received for these students and therefore provides the most accurate forecast for end of year comparisons to actuals.

Note: late starting students will be forecasted as they will not be enrolled at this point.

Queries regarding the use of Hyperion Planning should be directed to the Financial Planning and Analysis (FP&A) team.