Account Reconciliation Frequently Asked Questions

Information and guidance on Account Reconciliation and Blackline frequently asked questions is provided on this page.

Please send any suggestions for additional FAQs to the Account Reconciliation Administrator.

Blackline FAQ

1. In Blackline open the System menu on the navigation bar.

 Blackline System menu






2. Open the Make Requests menu.

3. Choose the type of request: Add.

4. Select the account(s) to be added.

5. Enter an explanatary comment detailing what needs to be changed and why.

Blackline request option add account

1. In Blackline open the System menu on the navigation bar.

Blackline System menu



2. Open the Make Requests menu.

3. Choose the type of request: Decertify.

4. Choose the certification type.

5. Choose the reason code.

6. Select the account(s) to be decertified.

7. Enter an explanatary comment detailing what needs to be decertified and why.

1. In Blackline open the System menu on the navigation bar.

Blackline System menu

2. Open the Make Requests menu.

3. Choose the type of request: Remove.

4. Select the account(s) to be removed.

5. Enter an explanatary comment detailing what needs to be changed and why.

Blackline request option remove account