Virtually every aspect of fluid mechanics is covered in the CDT: microfluidics, combustion, aerodynamics, turbulence, multi-phase flow, flow in porous media, wave processes, flow control, biological fluid mechanics, environmental fluid mechanics and geophysical fluid mechanics.

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turbulence phenomena, mixing, turbulent-drag reduction, transition and many interactive phenomena in which fluid flows are affected by external forcing e.g. jets, vortices, shocks, waves, wakes and motion of walls, boundaries or components within the fluid.



Flow in arteries, the lymphatic system, the eye, the ear and the liver in relation to normal function and disease; sensing of fluid flow by cells; wave transmission in arteries; development of novel bioreactors; measurement of flow by ultrasound; flow through tissues.


Chemical Engineering

Microfluidic and high-throughput devices with materials science, multiphase pipeline transportation, rapid depressurisation of hydrocarbon mixtures, fouling in crude-oil processing, coating flow technology, haemodynamics, diagnostic and bio-sensor applications, process intensification.


Civil and Environmental Engineering

Extreme-wave prediction, wave-in-deck loading, renewable wind, wave and tidal energy, flows in urban canyons and buildings, buoyancy driven flows and stratified turbulence, sediment transport in coastal areas and the swash zone, scour around structures.


Earth Science and Engineering

Hydrocarbon production, water resource management, carbon dioxide sequestration, coastal engineering, volcanic eruptions, asteroid impacts, mantle dynamics, crust-mantle interactions, and magma and lava flow dynamics.



Microfluidics (complex fluids, interfacial flows, micro-swimmers, multiphase flows) to aerodynamics (combustion, laminar flow control, receptivity, separation, transition prediction), magneto-and electro-hydrodynamics, and geophysical fluid dynamics.


Mechanical Engineering

Pure and applied research into combustion, heat and mass transfer and fluid flow in general. It has well equipped recently refurbished laboratories and hosts an extensive range of laser sources and detectors and extensive computational facilities.

Contact us

CDT Administrator
Miss Clodagh Li



The CDT is unfortunately no longer recruiting students to the programme