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  • Journal article
    Gasparre A, Nishimura S, Coop MR, Jardine RJet al., 2007,

    The influence of structure on the behaviour of London Clay

    , GEOTECHNIQUE, Vol: 57, Pages: 19-31, ISSN: 0016-8505
  • Journal article
    Fourniadis IG, Liu JG, Mason PJ, 2007,

    Regional assessment of landslide impact in the Three Gorges area, China, using ASTER data: Wushan-Zigui

    , Landslides: Journal of the International Consortium of Landslides, Vol: 4, Pages: 267-278
  • Journal article
    Bommer JJ, Stafford PJ, Alarcon JE, Akkar Set al., 2007,

    The influence of magnitude range on empirical ground-motion prediction.

    , Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, Vol: 97
  • Conference paper
    Sech RP, Jackson MD, Hampson GJ, 2007,

    Controls on water cresting in high-productivity horizontal gas wells (SPE 107169)

    , SPE Europec/EAGE Annual Conference
  • Conference paper
    Bommer JJ, Stafford PJ, Akkar S, 2007,

    The prediction of ground-motion parameters in Europe for seismic design and earthquake loss estimation

    , Seventh Congresso de Sismologia e Engenharia Sísmica
  • Journal article
    Liu C-C, Liu J-G, Lin C-W, Wu A-M, Liu S-H, Shieh C-Let al., 2007,

    Image processing of FORMOSAT-2 data for monitoring the South Asia tsunami

    , INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REMOTE SENSING, Vol: 28, Pages: 3093-3111, ISSN: 0143-1161
  • Journal article
    Fourniadis IG, Liu JG, Mason PJ, 2007,

    Landslide hazard assessment in the Three Gorges area, China, using ASTER imagery

    , Geomorphology, Vol: 84, Pages: 126-144, ISSN: 0169-555X
  • Journal article
    Hight DW, Gasparre A, Nishimura S, Anh-Minh N, Jardine RJ, Coop MRet al., 2007,

    Characteristics of the London clay from the Terminal 5 site at Heathrow Airport.

    , Geotechnique, Vol: 57, Pages: 3-18
  • Conference paper
    Freitas TMB, Potts DM, Zdravkovic L, 2007,

    A numerical study on the effect of ageing on undrained bearing capacity

    , 10th International Symposium on Numerical Models in Geomechanics (NUMOG X), Publisher: TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD, Pages: 419-424
  • Conference paper
    Kontoe S, Zdravkovic L, Potts DM, Salandy NEet al., 2007,

    The use of absorbing boundaries in dynamic analyses of soil-structure interaction problems

    , Thessaloniki, Greece, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering
  • Conference paper
    Taborda S, Zdravkovic L, Kontoe S, 2007,

    The importance of cyclic nonlinear models in dynamic finite element analysis

    , Netherlands, 10th Symposium on Numerical Models in Geomechanics, Publisher: Balkema, Pages: 743-749
  • Conference paper
    Taylor M, Kontoe S, Sarma S, 2007,

    A review of performance based design procedures for the design of earth retaining structures under seismic loading

    , Thessaloniki, Greece, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering
  • Journal article
    Capitanio FA, Morra G, Goes S, 2007,

    Dynamic models of downgoing-plate buoyancy driven subduction: Subduction motions and energy dissipation

    , Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., Vol: 262, Pages: 284-297
  • Conference paper
    Choi K, Jackson MD, Hampson GJ, Jones A, Reynolds Tet al., 2007,

    Impact of heterogeneity on flow in fluvial-deltaic reservoirs: Implications for the giant ACG Field, south Caspian Basin (SPE 107137)

    , SPE Europec/EAGE Annual Conference, Publisher: Society of Petroleum Engineers paper 107137
  • Journal article
    Gorman GJ, Piggott MD, Pain CC, 2007,

    Shoreline approximation for unstructured mesh generation

    , Computers & Geosciences, Vol: 33, Pages: 666-677
  • Conference paper
    Jackson CA-L, 2007,

    Application of three-dimensional seismic data to documenting the scale, geometry and distribution of soft-sediment features in sedimentary basins: an example from the Lomre Terrace, offshore Norway

    , St Joint SEPM/Geological-Society Conference, Publisher: GEOLOGICAL SOC PUBLISHING HOUSE, Pages: 253-267, ISSN: 0305-8719
  • Conference paper
    Farrell PE, Gorman GJ, Piggott MD, Pain CCet al., 2007,

    Quadratic fitting for Hessian recovery and anisotropic mesh optimisation

    , Barcelona, Spain, ADMOS 2007 - International Conference on Adaptive Modeling and Simulation, Publisher: International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering (CIMNE), Pages: 101-104
  • Journal article
    Wells MR, Allison PA, Piggott MD, Gorman GJ, Hampson GJ, Pain CC, Fang Fet al., 2007,

    Numerical modeling of tides in the late Pennsylvanian Midcontinent seaway of North America with implications for hydrography and sedimentation

    , JOURNAL OF SEDIMENTARY RESEARCH, Vol: 77, Pages: 843-865, ISSN: 1527-1404

    A novel numerical model (the Imperial College Ocean Model, ICOM) is used to simulate tidal circulation in shallow epicontinental seas connected to large, open oceans. ICOM is validated using the present-day North Sea and applied to predict tidal range in the late Pennsylvanian Midcontinent Seaway (LPMS) of North America. The model simulates the effect of the principal tidal constituents (astronomical tides) as well as the tide propagating from the adjacent open ocean (co- oscillating tide). Two ‘‘base-case’’ Pennsylvanian paleogeographies were tested: (1) a maximum sea-level highstand and (2) the early stages of a transgression. Sensitivity tests determined the importance of paleo-water depth and coastline uncertainty on the prediction of tidal range. During the highstand, tidal ranges in the craton interior (Midcontinent Shelf, Illinois and Appalachian basins) are consistently predicted as microtidal (, 2 m tidal range). Such low tidal ranges would have inhibited water-body mixing in the LPMS, promoting stratification. This, combined with the influx of oxygen-poor water from the Permian Basin to the west and high organic input from tropical rivers, may have contributed to the deposition of ‘‘core’’ black shales in LPMS cyclothems. Conversely, a mesotidal to macrotidal diurnal (once-daily tide) regime is predicted for the early transgression in a large-scale embayment in eastern Kansas due to resonant amplification of diurnal tidal constituents. Pennsylvanian strata here have been ascribed to a mesotidal to macrotidal setting and include cyclic rhythmites that suggest a strongly diurnal system, as predicted by ICOM.

  • Conference paper
    Monroy R, Zdravkovic L, Ridley A, 2007,

    Fabric changes in compacted London clay due to variations in applied stress and suction

    , 2nd International Conference on Mechanics of Unsaturated Soils, Publisher: SPRINGER-VERLAG BERLIN, Pages: 41-+, ISSN: 0930-8989
  • Conference paper
    van Reeuwijk M, Jonker HJJ, Hanjalic K, 2007,

    Applying the Leray-alpha model to unbounded Rayleigh-Benard convection

    , iTi Conference on Turbulence, Publisher: Springer, Pages: 197-200

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