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  • Journal article
    Jardine RJ, Standing JR, Chow FC, 2006,

    Some observations of the effects of time on the capacity of piles driven in sand

    , GEOTECHNIQUE, Vol: 56, Pages: 227-244, ISSN: 0016-8505
  • Journal article
    Liu JG, Mason PJ, Ma JM, 2006,

    Measurement of the left-lateral displacement of Ms 8.1 Kunlun earthquake on 14 November 2001 using Landsat-7 ETM + imagery

    , International Journal of Remote Sensing, Vol: 27, Pages: 1875-1891, ISSN: 0143-1161

    An imageodesy study has been carried out, using pre‐ and post‐event Landsat‐7 Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+) images, to reveal regional co‐seismic displacement caused by the Ms 8.1 Kunlun earthquake in November 2001. The two Landsat scenes, Kusai Lake and Buka Daban, cover an area of some 57 600 km2 (320 km W–E and about 180 km N–S), which includes most of the fault rupture zone. The co‐seismic displacement measured in the Kusai Lake scene shows that the average left‐lateral shift along the Kunlun fault is 4.8 m (ranging from 1.5 to 8.1 m) and the maximum shift appears west of the Kusai Lake. The splayed nature of the fault to the west of Buka Daban, where the fault splits into three branches, causes the displacement pattern to become complicated. Here the average left‐lateral shift, between the south side of the southern branch and the north side of the northern branch, is 4.6 m (ranging from 1.0 to 8.2 m). Our results also illustrate that the south side of the fault is the ‘active’ block, moving significantly in an east–south‐easterly direction, relative to the largely ‘stable’ northern block.

  • Journal article
    Jenny S, Goes S, Giardini D, Kahle HGet al., 2006,

    Seismic potential of southern Italy

    , TECTONOPHYSICS, Vol: 415, Pages: 81-101, ISSN: 0040-1951
  • Journal article
    Wünnemann K, Collins GS, Melosh HJ, 2006,

    A strain-based porosity model for use in hydrocode simulations of impacts and implications for transient crater growth in porous targets

    , ICARUS, Vol: 180, Pages: 514-527, ISSN: 0019-1035
  • Journal article
    Jackson CAL, Gawthorpe RL, Leppard CW, Sharp IRet al., 2006,

    Rift-initiation development of normal fault blocks: insights from the Hammam Faraun fault block, Suez Rift, Egypt

    , JOURNAL OF THE GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY, Vol: 163, Pages: 165-183, ISSN: 0016-7649
  • Journal article
    Rushmer T, Jackson MD, 2006,

    Impact of melt segregation on tonalite-trondhjemite-granodiorite (TTG) petrogenesis

  • Journal article
    Gorman GJ, Piggott MD, Pain CC, de Oliveira CRE, Umpleby AP, Goddard JHet al., 2006,

    Optimisation based bathymetry approximation through constrained unstructured mesh adaptivity

    , Ocean Modelling, Vol: 12, Pages: 436-452, ISSN: 1463-5003
  • Journal article
    Jackson CAL, Gawthorpe RL, Sharp IR, 2006,

    Style and sequence of deformation during extensional fault-propagation folding: examples from the Hammam Faraun and El-Qaa fault blocks, Suez Rift, Egypt

    , JOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY, Vol: 28, Pages: 519-535, ISSN: 0191-8141
  • Conference paper
    Stafford PJ, Berrill JB, Pettinga JR, 2006,

    New empirical predictive equations for the Fourier amplitude spectrum of acceleration and Arias intensity in New Zealand

    , First European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology
  • Journal article
    Fang F, Piggott MD, Pain CC, Gorman GJ, Goddard AJHet al., 2006,

    An adaptive mesh adjoint data assimilation method

    , Ocean Modelling, Vol: 15, Pages: 39-55, ISSN: 1463-5003
  • Journal article
    van Reeuwijk M, Jonker HJJ, Hanjalic K, 2006,

    Incompressibility of the Leray-alpha model for wall-bounded flows

    , PHYS FLUIDS, Vol: 18
  • Report
    Stafford PJ, 2006,

    Engineering seismological studies and seismic design criteria for the Buller region, South Island, New Zealand

    , Civil Engineering Research Report, Christchurch, New Zealand, Publisher: Department of Civil Engineering, University of Canterbury, 2006-03
  • Conference paper
    Tsomokos A, Georgiannou VN, Kontoe S, 2006,

    The Response of a Fine Medium Sand to Monotonic Torsional Loading and its Numerical Simulation

    , 5th Hellenic Conference on Geotechnical and Geo-environmental Engineering (in Greek)
  • Conference paper
    Bell RE, 2006,

    Structural Evolution of the Western Gulf of Corinth, Greece: A stratigraphicanalysis of early phase continental rifting

    , AGU Fall Meeting
  • Conference paper
    Liu JG, Ghanem M, Curcin V, Haselwimmer C, Guo Y, Morgan G, Mish Ket al., 2006,

    Distributed, high-performance earthquake deformation analysis and modelling facilitated by Discovery Net

  • Journal article
    Power PW, Piggott MD, Fang F, Gorman GJ, Pain CC, Marshall DP, Goddard AJH, Navon IMet al., 2006,

    Adjoint goal-based error norms for adaptive mesh ocean modelling

    , Ocean Modelling, Vol: 15, Pages: 3-38, ISSN: 1463-5003
  • Conference paper
    Bell RE, McNeill LC, Bull J, Henstock Tet al., 2006,

    Structural Evolution of the Western Gulf of Corinth, Greece

    , EGU General Assembly
  • Conference paper
    Bell RE, 2006,

    Structural Evolution of the Western Gulf of Corinth, Greece

    , Tectonic Studies Group
  • Journal article
    Cowie PA, Attal M, Tucker GE, Whittaker AC, Naylor M, Ganas A, Roberts Get al., 2006,

    Investigating the Surface Process Response to Fault Interaction and Linkage Using a Numerical Modelling Approach

    , BASIN RESEARCH, Vol: 18, Pages: 231-266
  • Conference paper
    Takahashi A, Fung DWH, Jardine RJ, 2005,

    Swelling effects on mechanical behaviour of natural London Clay

    , Pages: 443-446

    This paper reports a study into the potential effects of swelling on destructuration of a natural London Clay. Preliminary results are presented from a conventional direct shear tests conducted under a constant height condition. These suggest that the changes in soil structure induced by one-dimensional swelling affect global stiffness behaviour more than the peak shear strengths.

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