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  • Journal article
    Shin JH, Potts DM, Zdravkovic L, 2002,

    Three-dimensional modelling of NATM tunnelling in decomposed granite soil

    , GEOTECHNIQUE, Vol: 52, Pages: 187-200, ISSN: 0016-8505
  • Journal article
    Goes S, van der Lee S, 2002,

    Thermal structure of the North American uppermost mantle inferred from seismic tomography

  • Journal article
    Jackson CAL, Gawthorpe RL, Sharp IR, 2002,

    Growth and linkage of the East Tanka fault zone, Suez rift: structural style and syn-rift stratigraphic response

    , J GEOL SOC LONDON, Vol: 159, Pages: 175-187, ISSN: 0016-7649

    An integrated tectono-stratigraphic analysis of the East Tanka fault zone, Suez rift, indicates fault growth by linkage of initially isolated fault segments that is consistent with fault growth models based on displacement-length (D-L) scaling laws. During the initial 2.4 Ma of rifting, the East Tanka fault zone was composed of two en-echelon fault segments c. 1-1.5 km long, separated by a hanging-wall intrabasin high that controlled the geometry of depocentres filled with continental deposits, Alluvial fan conglomerates were fed through the region between the two fault segments, and form a discrete coarse-grained body, preserved in the immediate hanging wall of the fault zone. Subsequent stratigraphic patterns indicate that the two faults hard-linked to form a single fault zone c. 3.5 km long. Hard linkage of the segments resulted in migration of the zone of maximum displacement and subsidence into the zone of linkage. Uplift due to the migration of activity caused modification of drainage in the footwall of the fault zone that terminated the growth of the alluvial fan. This study demonstrates the need to integrate structural and stratigraphic data when attempting to reconstruct the temporal and spatial evolution of normal fault zones. Additionally, the fault dynamics illustrated have implications for tectono-stratigraphic models of rift basins, and syn-rift stratigraphic evolution.

  • Journal article
    Liu JG, 2002,

    Liu 'Smoothing filter-based intensity modulation: a spectral preserve image fusion technique for improving spatial details' - Reply

    , INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REMOTE SENSING, Vol: 23, Pages: 598-601, ISSN: 0143-1161
  • Conference paper
    Hardy S, Zdravkovic L, Potts DM, 2002,

    Numerical interpretation of continuously cycled bender element tests

    , Numerical models in geomechanics; NUMOG VIII, Publisher: Balkema, Pages: 595-600
  • Conference paper
    Hight DW, Paul MA, Barras BF, Powell JJM, Nash DFT, Smith PR, Jardine RJ, Edwards DHet al., 2002,

    The characterisation of the Bothkennar clay

    , Characterisation and engineering properies of natural soils workshop, Publisher: A A Balkema, Pages: 543-598
  • Conference paper
    Grammatikopoulou A, Zdravkovic L, Potts DM, 2002,

    The effect of a kinematic yield surface on the predicted behaviour of an embankment

    , Numerical models in geomechanics; NUMOG VIII, Publisher: Balkema, Pages: 553-560
  • Conference paper
    Worthington MH, Saunders J, Pain CC, Jackson Met al., 2002,

    Electrokinetic and VSP monitoring of fluid flow in petroleum reservoirs (Article no.H003)

    , 64th Coference of European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers, 27 - 30 May, 2002, Florence, Italy, Publisher: European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers, Pages: 1-4
  • Conference paper
    Jardine RJ, 2002,

    Stability and Instability: soft clay embankment foundations and offshore continental slopes (Keynote paper)

    , Rotterdam, International symposium on coastal geotechnical engineering in practice, Publisher: Balkema, Pages: 99-118
  • Conference paper
    Hight DW, McMillan F, Powell JJM, Jardine RJ, Allenou CPet al., 2002,

    Some characteristics of London Clay

    , Characterisation and engineering properies of natural soils workshop, Publisher: A A Balkema, Pages: 851-908
  • Book
    Cook M, Hampson K, Hobbs R, Jackman S, Jardine RJ, Long D, Power P, Salisbury R, Sommerville Jet al., 2002,

    Offshore site investigations and geotechnics, diversity and sustainability

    , London, Publisher: Society for Underwater Technology, ISBN: 9780906940426
  • Conference paper
    Lollino P, Cotecchia F, Zdravkovic L, Potts DMet al., 2002,

    Numerical analysis of the behaviour of stiff clays under a rockfill embankment

    , Proceedings of the 5th European conference on numerical methods in geotechnical engineering, Paris, 2002, (NUMGE 2002), Publisher: Presses de l'ENPC/LPC, Pages: 409-414
  • Conference paper
    Jardine RJ, Smith PR, Nicholson DP, 2002,

    Properties of the soft Holocene Thames Estuary Clay from Queenborough, Kent

    , Workshop on characterisation and engineering properies of natural soils, Publisher: A A Balkema, Pages: 599-644
  • Conference paper
    Zdravkovic L, Ng PM, Potts DM, 2002,

    Bearing capacity of surface foundations on sand subjected to combined loading

    , Proceedings of the 5th European conference on numerical methods in geotechnical engineering, Paris, 2002, (NUMGE 2002), Publisher: Presses de l'ENPC/LPC, Pages: 323-330
  • Conference paper
    Muggeridge AH, Jackson MD, Al-Mahrooqi SH, Al-Marjabi M, Grattoni CAet al., 2002,

    Quantifying bypassed oil in the vicinity of discontinuous shales (SPE 77487)

    , Richardson, Texas, SPE annual conference and exhibition, San Antonio, Texas, 29 September - 2 October 2002, Publisher: Society of Petroleum Engineers
  • Conference paper
    Rolo R, Zdravkovic L, Jardine RJ, 2002,

    The measurement of soil strength anisotropy and its practical applications

    , XVII Venezuelan geotechnical 'state of the art' conference, Caracas, 2002, Pages: 483-495
  • Conference paper
    Grammatikopoulou A, Zdravkovic L, Potts DM, 2002,

    The behaviour of "bubble" models in tunnelling problems

    , Zurich, Proceedings of the 2nd international conference on soil structure interaction in urban civil engineering: planning and engineering for the cities of tomorrow: Zurich, Switzerland, 7 - 8 March 2002, Publisher: Swiss Federal Institute for Technology, Pages: 381-388
  • Conference paper
    Georgiadis K, Potts DM, Zdravkovic L, 2002,

    Behaviour of a footing on a partially saturated soil

    , Numerical models in geomechanics; NUMOG VIII, Publisher: Balkema, Pages: 451-456
  • Conference paper
    Jardine RJ, Kovacevic N, Hoyle M, Sidhu A, Letty Aet al., 2002,

    Assessing the effects on jack-up structures of eccentric installation over infilled craters. Offshore site investigations and geotechnics

    , Society for Underwater Technology, Offshore site investigation and geotechnics: diversity and sustainability: proceedings of an international conference held in London, UK, 26 - 28 November 2002, Pages: 307-315
  • Journal article
    Budd CJ, Leimkuhler B, Piggott MD, 2001,

    Scaling invariance and adaptivity

    , APPLIED NUMERICAL MATHEMATICS, Vol: 39, Pages: 261-288, ISSN: 0168-9274

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