Will you support the business leaders of tomorrow? Even the brightest business students can face barriers to completing their degree. You can help us lift those barriers and open up a life-changing opportunity.
Imperial College Business School inspires brilliant minds to be the world’s future leaders of business and society. We believe that helping these students complete their degrees is the most important thing we can do.
The high costs of living in London, or the financial strain caused by an unexpected illness or family emergency can pose a real obstacle for some students. Last year, alumni and friends support provided two scholarships for talented students who most needed it, allowing them to focus on their studies and reach their full potential.
How you have helped
“I aspire to be a business leader not just within Marketing but in business as a whole, and I enrolled in this program to gain more insights into strategic, big picture thinking rather than focusing on tactical actions. Imperial is a competitive school and so receiving support from the Dean’s Fund and being recognised in this way out of the hundreds of students on my course alone made me feel validated. It also made me feel like I had made the right decision to pursue further education. Thank you for your support.”
Anita Asiedu, MSc Strategic Marketing
This year, your gift could help provide scholarships for MSc or MBA candidates who show exceptional promise or bursaries for students who find themselves in sudden financial difficulty. It could also be used to fund exciting new initiatives in entrepreneurship and innovation for the benefit of our students. Your investment may be modest, but your gift can provide the resources and inspiration that allows a talented student to complete their degree on time and without costly loans. For that student, your gift can be the first step in a lifetime of success and achievement.
Please make a gift today to support the Dean’s Fund and help a bright student reach his or her potential with a degree from Imperial.
Contact us
Become a donor or find out more about the Scholarships Challenge Campaign
Clare Turner