
Imperial's work in environment that impacts health. 

Professor Paolo Vineis

The projected changes in the climate are likely to bring about adverse effects on human health, disproportionately affecting poorer populations. The evidence of direct and indirect health impacts is still limited. Attributing health-related events to climate change and variability is a challenge, which requires the development of new epidemiological methods that take into account the complexities involved.

This research network focuses on both non-communicable and infectious diseases, as well as on different regional contexts (Bangladesh/China and Tanzania/Africa) in order to develop robust epidemiological and modelling frameworks for investigating and predicting the impact that regional climate change and variability can have on the health of societies in vulnerable locations. 

WASH (Water, sanitation and hygiene)

The research group of Dr Michael Templeton in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering is active in research in Africa focused on developing and testing more sustainable forms of low-cost onsite sanitation and evaluating the impact of water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) interventions on the prevention of neglected tropical diseases (NTDs), such as schistosomiasis. The research has been conducted in collaboration with colleagues in the Schistosomiasis Control Initiative in the School of Public Health as well as with in-country partners and academic colleagues from other UK universities. The research has to-date been conducted in Ethiopia, Tanzania, Senegal, Benin and Côte d’Ivoire, though we are always keen to start new collaborations in other African nations on these or related topics; please contact Dr Templeton directly if you are interested –, +44(0)2075946099. 

Here is a blog by Dr Templeton on World Water Day 2015 on the role of WASH in preventing schistosomiasis:

 Most relevant publications:


Professor Sir Gordon Conway

Agriculture for Impact (A4I) is an independent advocacy initiative led by Professor Sir Gordon Conway, author of the book One Billion Hungry: Can We Feed the World? A4I aims to enable better European government support for productive, sustainable, equitable and resilient agricultural development in sub-Saharan Africa, focusing in particular on the needs of smallholder farmers. Agriculture for Impact also convenes the Montpellier Panel, a group of European and African experts in the fields of agriculture, trade, ecology and global development. It is based at Imperial College London and is supported by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.