uprooted palm tree lies fallen on beach in front of houses

Help us ensure a cleaner, greener, fairer future

We have a bold ambition to grow so that we can support more individuals, communities, health systems and societies to understand and effectively respond to the mental health impacts of the climate crisis. 

Climate Cares Centre

Climate Cares works collectively for a better climate future that benefits mental health and wellbeing.

The Centre is the first to fully focus on mental health and wellbeing in the climate emergency.

By supporting us, you will accelerate our work in the following areas: 


  • Build the evidence base, to make the interactions between climate change, mental health and climate action tangible and accessible.
  • Aims: Extend our work in the UK and globally; focus on young people and other groups particularly affected


  • Educate mental health professionals to identify and mitigate the mental health impacts of climate change.
  • Aim: Develop a bespoke course that will help mental health professionals develop this critical understanding


  • Support individuals, communities and leaders to share and process their emotional and psychological responses to the climate crisis, protect their mental health and wellbeing, and take action towards a more hopeful future together.
  • Aim: Develop workshops to empower school-aged young people to use their voices for positive change  


  • Connect and inform decision-makers to make win-win policies for climate and mental health a reality.  
  • Aim: We will work with leaders to develop a tailored education offering and ensure a joined-up approach in decision-making to remove siloed efforts

For more information on how you can support or partner with Climate Cares, send the team an email at climatecares@imperial.ac.uk.