Funding opportunities for Grantham Affiliates
In order to promote new ideas and collaborations in priority areas for engagement and research, the Grantham Institute is periodically offering a number of funding opportunities to Grantham Affiliates. These opportunities will be announced on this page, as well as through our Affiliates' newsletter.
Current opportunities:
Details of when these funding opportunities will run will be announced on this page. Please contact Laila Read ( if you would like more information on any of these opportunities, or Alyssa Gilbert ( to discuss a specific proposal.
Funding opportunities

Grantham Research Fellows
Grantham Research Fellow posts enable Affiliates to foster greater engagement with external stakeholders who hold positions of responsibility in industry, business, policy, or NGOs, and are interested in knowledge exchange and the translation of research findings. Read more

Pump priming awards
Pump priming initiatives aim to generate new capabilities and understanding at the College, bringing together expertise across faculties and departments, together with external stakeholders, to develop novel, interdisciplinary research ideas. Read more

Capacity building workshops
Capacity building workshops provide the opportunity to explore a given topic, highlight any gaps in knowledge and identify opportunities for future development and collaboration. Read more
Funding opportunities

PhD studentships
Grantham Institute studentships offer Affiliates the opportunity to progress new or developing research interests, drawing in stakeholders and academic collaborators to address global challenge projects. Read more.

PhD secondments
Secondments allow students to experience new working environments, engage with novel areas of research application, or translate research outputs for different audiences. Read more

Become a Grantham Affiliate
The opportunities detailed on this page are available exclusively to Imperial staff who are members of our Grantham Affiliates Scheme. Find out more