Moving forward on equality, diversity and inclusion

To ensure that the transition to a zero-carbon, resilient society is fair, that transition must engage and include everyone in society. This means making sure all people and communities can make their voices heard in shaping the shift to a climate-safe world, and that current inequities in access and power are addressed.

To achieve our vision, the Grantham Institute are committed to ensure greater equity, inclusion and diversity, both within our own place of work as well as through our activities in research, education, innovation and communications.

We formed an EDI Committee to develop an Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) strategy and action plan to sit alongside the more overarching Imperial College’s Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Strategy, whose objectives we also work to deliver.

With the help of the strategy, we will continue to strive for creating a community that is accessible to and welcomes all, and which fosters a strong sense of belonging – whether you are a staff member, student, academic affiliate or partner and collaborator in our wider activities.

For more information, contact Emma Bowman, Director of Operations and EDI Committee Chair.


EDI seed fund

Grantham Institute was awarded one of Imperial EDI Centre’s Seed Funds to carry out a project titled Understanding routes to improving engagement with climate change and environmental issues by diverse groups of people. MSc student Cynthia Wang and PhD researcher Lily Peck were employed to conduct desk-based stakeholder mapping of influential organisations and individuals with an interest in diversity and climate change or environment issues, then hold stakeholder interviews. They explored how experiences and perspectives are aligned or at odds with a research university’s perspective on the topic. Project supervisors Alyssa Gilbert, Simon Levey and Dr Morena Mills hope the findings of this qualitative study could be used to inform the design of a future larger-scale study and future engagement.

Joys and challenges for women in STEM

Students from the Grantham Institute’s EDI Committee have started a new Women in STEM Seminar Series which celebrates women and their achievements in research and professional work – and creates a platform for open discussion of the many challenges women face in the sector. The seminar series kicked off in August 2021 with an event exploring emotional health and wellbeing in academia, its challenges and what good support practices look like. The series has since held events with youth activists on communicating climate science to the public and with women working to build sustainable food systems.

WATCH: Women in STEM seminars

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