Exhibition shows three manequins wearing long trailing cloaks made from street litter. One made from plastic drinks bottles and aluminium cans, with a dress wrap of cling film, another made from colourful crisp packets. A young white woman with long brown wavy hair wearing an orange skirt and jumper  is looking closely at one.[Fast trashion: This exhibition of garments made from street-litter communicating the crisis of wasted resources appeared in Imperial’s South Kensington Campus Main Entrance. It was part of The Earth And Me (TEAM), a project by the Grantham Institute’s first Artist-in-Residence, Áinne Burke in January 2020. ©Thomas Angus/Imperial College London]

Climate change is already affecting our world. Extreme heat events have continued with an Arctic heatwave, devastating wildfires in Australia and the United States and alarming evidence of melting glaciers across Antarctica. Although the link may appear obvious, scientists have only recently been able to confidently state that climate change is an attributing factor in causing these events. Evidence from corals and ancient forests is helping to better understand where today’s climate fits in with past and future changes. More evidence and first-hand experience, in line with scientists’ expectations, has raised the profile of the problem. A flurry of polls sought to understand peoples’ attitudes to climate change and the good news is that most still want to see changes, despite the COVID-19 pandemic stoking a renewed priority for health and economic concerns. These signals give policymakers and businesses the license they need to embrace a cleaner, greener, fairer future, as well as to prepare and manage the impacts of climate change appropriately.

Climate changed

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