A young man with fair hair wearing t-shirt and shorts, fluorescent helmet and medical face mask sits on a bicycle that is fixed to the floor of a metal-lined tunnel with large fans in the distance. A woman wearing a white lab coat, black high heel boots and her long brown hair in a messy 'up' do attaches something to his arm.

[Imperial’s 10x5 Wind Tunnel is normally a testing facility for aerodynamic development and safety evaluation of everything from road and race cars to aircraft, buildings and structures. During Summer 2020, Department of Aeronautics researchers led by Professors Denis Doorly and Spencer Sherwin were measuring the transmission risk of COVID-19 carrier particles during outdoor exercise. ©Thomas Angus / Imperial College London]

The advice of disease modelers and virologists at Imperial has shaped responses to COVID-19 at home and abroad. In the United Kingdom, the crisis catapulted experts back to the heart of strategic decision-making, with the government opening up again to peer-reviewed evidence and well-informed debate about its policy choices. This is also important for climate action.

With a foot in the door as disruption leads people to reconsider what they value, the Grantham Institute is strongly advocating for a ‘net-zero emissions’ recovery and a resilient future. The pandemic’s unfamiliar threat meant that many countries introduced untested responses, that saved lives but hurt economies, with the least well-off being hardest hit. The local and global dangers of climate change are well-enough understood that preparation now could avoid similarly negative outcomes.

We see economic support helping people through the pandemic, building a platform for recovery, and promoting future-proofed initiatives. Rather than bolstering unsustainable practices, the right investment can deliver clean, green and fair outcomes for all, and Grantham Institute research has shown that this is achievable

pandemic to net zero

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