
  • Induction (SSCP DTP and Departmental inductions)
  • Any relevant safety training
  • First Year DTP training courses (Essential Skills Training)
  • First Year Technical Training - applicable to NERC-funded students)
  • Challenge Team activities
  • Early Stage Assessment (organised by your academic department)
  • Late Stage Review (organised by your academic department)
  • DTP Careers Events

For a more comprehensive list of events and activities throughout your PhD, please refer to the DTP timeline. Information about upcoming events will be circulated via the weekly DTP newsletter.



  • If you are unable to attend College due to illness or urgent personal circumstance you should inform your supervisor and/or your Department as soon as is practicable.
  • If you are due to attend an SSCP DTP activity or event and are ill and unable to attend, please also inform the SSCP DTP Doctoral Training Coordinator.
  • Attendance at DTP workshops and events is mandatory, but we recognise that occasionally other obligations such as fieldwork or internships may clash with our events. In these instances, you must seek approval (with as much notice as possible) from the SSCP DTP management team to be excused.

To arrange this you should liaise with your senior tutor, supervisor or Programme Director and ensure you inform the SSCP DTP Doctoral Training Coordinator of the dates that cover your interruption. Once this has been done, you can submit a request to interrupt via MyImperial. Further information available via this Imperial webpage. You must then notify then Doctoral Training Coordinator regarding the dates.

It is not uncommon for students to feel periods of intense pressure. If you are having any difficulties, either with your research or with personal matters, your first contact should be your supervisor. Please also contact Alex Gibbs or Anne Houston.

Within the College there are several services available to support you with your mental health and wellbeing. Support is primarily available through the Student Counselling and Mental Health Advice Service. Please see also this section of the SSCP DTP student handbook.

Links to further support can be found on the Grantham Institute’s Wellbeing Resources Page. This page is being kept updated by the SSCP DTP EDI Education team and the Grantham Institute’s EDI Committee. They are always grateful for any further suggestions and can be emailed. You will also find additional support pages on your respective departmental student wellbeing pages.

The Student/Staff Committee also have student Welfare Officers. Anne Houston is also trained as a Mental Health First Aider.


Training and Development

  • First and second years - Attendance at a minimum of 4 Changing Planet Seminars and 2 Women in STEM seminars. You are also required to participate in your Challenge Team. 
  • First years - All of the above as well as all essential training is obligatory for all students including aligned students.
  • First years - NERC-funded students will need to complete a minimum of 10 hours of technical training across at least two modules in their first year. These must be discussed and agreed to with your supervisor, and they are in addition to the essential skills training provided by the SSCP DTP. This may be through postgraduate lectures or courses at a similar level, specific to a student’s PhD. Good examples are NERC Advanced Training Short Courses.
  • All other cohorts are encouraged to join Challenge Teams in an advisory role and advised to attend seminars whenever possible.
  • Students in their second and third year are encouraged to attend the relevant organised field trips and pursue an internship as a secondment from their PhD.
  • You are required to complete Training Needs Analysis throught Year via Inkpath
  • You are required to respond to SSCP DTP requests for information, most notably for the NERC Annual Report in August. 
  • The SSCP DTP team will contact you at the appropriate time to request these submissions.
  • You should meet with your Challenge Team every 4-6 weeks throughout the year.  You are also required to attend the Challenge Team kick-off (November) get-together (late February/early March) and then present at the Challenge Team Showcase (September). 

Get Involved

  • Yes. There are will be several opportuntities to engage with wider audiences. These will be advertised in the SSCP DTP newsletter and via email, once they arise. For 2023/24 all students have been asked to put their names regarding various ad-hoc volunteering opportunities. Students will be contacted directly once opportunities become available.
  • All opportunities to contribute to the briefing papers will be circulated to all SSCP DTP students when available. More information on these briefing papers is available here.

Communications and Branding

  • Yes, you can find a Powerpoint template for presentations, along with templates for posters here.
  • If you are a Research Council (e.g. NERC, RCUK) funded student you are eligible to have your papers published open access. 
  • To do this, please make sure to include the grant reference number on the form when applying via Symplectic.

    Please note that all publications should acknowledge the DTP in your address as follows:

    1) Person1; 1 Science and Solutions for a Changing Planet DTP, and the Department of [Civil Engineering], Imperial College London.

    2) You will also need to acknowledge your funding as follows:

    This work was supported by [ENTER YOUR PRIMARY FUNDER HERE, e.g. the Natural Environment Research Council; and the [ENTER YOUR SECONDARY FUNDER HERE etc].

    Funding Example for Cohorts 6 -9: This work was supported by the Natural Environment Research Council [grant number NE/S007415/1]

    Please note Research Council (e.g. NERC, RCUK) funded students are eligible to have papers published in open access. To do so, please include the grant reference on the form when applying via Symplectic. Grant for Cohorst 6-9: [grant number NE/S007415/1 ]

    For any other NERC funding, e.g. NPIF, please contact Alex Gibbs.

The Grantham Institute is active on a variety of social media channels, including:

 Twitter @SSCP_DTP

Publicise the great work you do to interested parties, as well as live tweeting from events. Follow us, but also let us know your twitter handle so that we can follow you. Note: please stay engaged with us and email Christiane Morgan if you would like us to share any news via twitter.

 Facebook Facebook Groups Each cohort has a dedicated closed Facebook group established as an informal discussion forum. Event details, photos and reminders will be posted here. Please email Christiane Morgan to be sent an invite to your cohort’s group.
WhatsApp Cohort WhatsApp Each Cohort also has their own WhatsApp group, which is set up during induction week. If you would like to be added please contact Christiane.

Please do follow the Grantham Institute and engage with the us online. If you would like to share anything via these channels, please let us know.


Bursaries (also known as stipend payments) are paid on the 7th of each month for the month ahead.  More information is available here. Please note that if you are due to take an interuption of studies at any time, please inform us with as much notice as possible to ensure busary payments are correct.
If you have been on an interruption of studies you must re-register and resubmit your bank details via MyImperial.

In order to process an expense claim, all receipts are required. Claims are usually refunded quickly but can take up to 10 working days. 

  • Claims from the SSCP DTP – Please email Christiane Morgan for an E1 form and submit this with your receipts to the her. Examples of general expenses claims include: purchasing equipment for your Challenge Team, travel expenses outside of your usual commute, social events on behalf of the student committee etc. Information on filling out expenses forms is available here
  • Consumables expenses claims – NERC and Grantham funded students have a dedicated account for their consumables funding, which is held and administered by their Department. Please liaise with your supervisor and departmental administrator to process consumables expenses claims.


  • Please inform the SSCP DTP when you have submitted your thesis, when you have received your Viva date and outcome of the Viva itself.


As a member of the DTP cohort, you are expected to follow the Institute’s official branding guidelines. Templates are supplied on the Google Drive and should be used for all presentations, posters and written material relating to your PhD project. This includes any departmental presentations and posters you are expected to produce during your PhD. We would love to see the materials you produce, which should be sent to the SSCP DTP Doctoral Training Coordinator to ensure we have a record of your activities. This will also help us with reporting to NERC on our programme and individual student activities.

As a member of the DTP cohort, you are expected to follow the Institute’s official branding guidelines. Templates are supplied on the Google Drive and should be used for all presentations, posters and written material relating to your PhD project. This includes any departmental presentations and posters you are expected to produce during your PhD. We would love to see the materials you produce, which should be sent to the SSCP DTP Doctoral Training Coordinator to ensure we have a record of your activities. This will also help us with reporting to NERC on our programme and individual student activities.

Please note that all publications should acknowledge the DTP in your address as follows:

1) Person1; 1 Science and Solutions for a Changing Planet DTP, and the Department of [Civil Engineering], Imperial College London.

2) You will also need to acknowledge your funding as follows:

This work was supported by [ENTER YOUR PRIMARY FUNDER HERE, e.g. the Natural Environment Research Council; and the [ENTER YOUR SECONDARY FUNDER HERE etc].

- Funding Example for Cohort 6 and up: This work was supported by the Natural Environment Research Council [grant number NE/S007415/1]

- Funding Example for NPIF: This work was supported by the Natural Environment Research Council [grant number NE/R011613/1]

Please note Research Council (e.g. NERC, RCUK) funded students are eligible to have papers published in open access. To do so, please include the grant reference on the form when applying via Symplectic.