Sustainable Diets Logo

About this Challenge Team

In season foods are fresher, cheaper and more locally sourced, which, despite being more environmentally friendly, surplus often go to waste. The team focuses on providing information on sustainable diets and consumption decisions, with a focus on promoting users to adopt seasonal fruits and vegetables through recipes. The recipes are uploaded ahead of time, so that readers can find recipes for products currently in season. At the end of the year, we will produce a seasonal cookbook in digital format for users to download.

Please also feel free to visit our website for further information or connect with us via Instagram@feelgoodfoodic.  

Our team were recently featured on the Transition to Zero Pollution Twitter account as part of Imperial College Sustainability Week.

Team Members

  • Jonathan Adams (cohort 6)
  • Alex Bowles (cohort 6)
  • Aoife Cantwell-Jones (cohort 7)
  • Lizzie Ellison (cohort 6)
  • James Hazzard (cohort 7)
  • Maria Koulouri (cohort 7)
  • Verity Miles (cohort 7)
  • Charlotte Roe (cohort 6)
  • Beltran Sajonia-Coburgo-Gotha (cohort 7) - Team Captain
  • Will Veness (cohort 6)
  • Monika Yordanova (cohort 7)

Any questions?

For any queries related to our SSCP DTP studentships, please contact our Doctoral Training Coordinator, Christiane Morgan (