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BECCS deployment: a reality check

Topics: Mitigation, Energy and Low-Carbon Futures
Type: Briefing paper
Publication date: December 2018

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Characteristics of storage technologies

Topics: Energy and Low-Carbon Futures, Mitigation
Type: Infographic
Publication date: December 2018

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Energy storage technologies by sector

Topics: Energy and Low-Carbon Futures, Mitigation
Type: Infographic
Publication date: December 2018

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Redesigning Regulation: Powering from the future

Topics: Energy and Low-Carbon Futures, Mitigation
Type: Collaborative publications
Publication date: December 2018

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Multiple stressors in freshwater ecosystems: biocides and climate change

Topics: Impacts and adaptation
Type: Briefing paper
Publication date: November 2018

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Grantham Institute Outlook 2018-19

Topics: General
Type: Institute reviews
Publication date: 2018

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Towards a just and equitable low-carbon energy transition

Topics: Impacts and adaptation, Mitigation
Type: Briefing paper
Publication date: September 2018

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Consultation response: Environmental principles and governance after EU exit

Topics: General
Type: Evidence & submission papers
Publication date: August 2018

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Grantham Institute 10th Anniversary - Celebrating the past, looking to the future

Topics: General
Type: Institute reviews
Publication date: 2018

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The role of nuclear electricity in a low-carbon world

Topics: Impacts and adaptation, Mitigation
Type: Briefing paper
Publication date: March 2018

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Climate change, low-carbon transitions and security

Topics: Impacts and adaptation
Type: Briefing paper
Publication date: March 2018

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