Man on a platform at sea looking out at offshore wind turbines

Tackling climate change is necessary to create a resilient and sustainable future. At the same time, it also provides new economic opportunities from creating a growing, green economy. 

This section explores the possible costs involved in creating a zero-carbon society and how they compare to the economic benefits of acting on climate change. It also looks at how reaching net zero emissions by 2050 could impact UK consumers economically, and it explores what type of investment in infrastructure is needed for a zero-carbon future.

FAQ - climate change and the economy

Read more about these topics by exploring the explainers published by our sister institute, the Grantham Research Institute at LSE: 

[Image by CharlieChesvick]

Published November 2019, last updated March 2022. 

Find more FAQs

To read more explainers on climate change economics and finance, energy policy and international climate action, see the FAQs published by the Grantham Research Institute at LSE.