man in high viz standing thigh deep in flooded surroundings with house behind him

The impacts of climate change will disrupt the natural, economic and social systems we depend on. This disruption will impact global food security, damage infrastructure and jobs, and harm human health. These impacts are unevenly distributed around the world, with some countries facing far greater risks than others. However, all countries, communities and companies will feel the effects of climate change.

This section explores the impacts that climate change will have on natural and human systems, both in the UK and across the world. It looks at the way climate change could affect the global economy, and it explains why some of the biggest risks for our society are the most difficult to understand.

Impacts of climate change FAQ

["Faces of the Floods" by Charlie Clift is licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0 ]

Published November 2019, last updated March 2022. 

Find more FAQs

To read more explainers on climate change economics and finance, energy policy and international climate action, see the FAQs published by the Grantham Research Institute at LSE.