Neuron cells

Introduction to psychology covering classic research and recent developments in the field

Module details

  • Offered to 1st years
  • Tuesdays 16.00-18.00
  • 8 weeks (autumn or spring term)
  • Planned delivery: On campus (South Kensington)
  • Non-credit only
How to enrol

Psychology aims to produce a scientific understanding of the relationships between the brain and human behaviour, and how these are influenced by experience and biological factors.  This module provides an introduction to psychology for students who have an interest in current research in the field, and in how scientific enquiry is contributing to an understanding of notions of well-being, personality, selfhood, motivations and mental health.  

The module is likely to have wide appeal amongst students who are encountering aspects of psychology in their core curriculum, e.g. evolutionary psychology, brain imaging, behavioural modelling, cognitive neuroscience, health monitoring technologies and concepts of artificial intelligence.  The discipline of psychology raises a number of ethical concerns, especially in the empirical studies.  An important aspect of the module will be to consider methodologies of enquiry, standards of evidence, and notions of ‘informed consent’. 

Information blocks

By the end of the module you will be able to:

Head Puzzle

  • Discuss variability and context in psychology in whole-class and 
    small group discussions
  • Acquire knowledge of the historical development of psychology as a discipline, including awareness of its scientific claims
  • Develop an understanding of research paradigms in psychology through in class discussion and private study
  • Select sources appropriate to written and verbal communication about at least one key area in psychology
  • Apply study of cutting-edge psychology research and research methods to write an analytical essay


  • What is psychology? Myths and misconceptions about psychology will be dispelled during a quiz; positive psychology and the science of happiness.
  • Behaviourism, schools of thought, and the emergence of experimental psychology: the typology of the major strands of psychology. Behaviourism, psychoanalysis, humanistic psychology. Landmark experiments in psychology, e.g. Pavlov and Watson’s work, Milgram’s experiment on obedience, and Skinner’s box.
  • Social psychology: the influence of social context on the behaviour of individuals, with a particular emphasis on the role of social media.
  • Developmental psychology: this session will look at the pioneering work of Piaget, and social and cultural contexts of development in children, teenagers and adults.
  • Cognitive psychology: the study of how humans process information, including perception, learning, memory, consciousness and cognitive neuropsychology. The role of cognitive psychology in advances in artificial intelligence.
  • Biological psychology: a look at the claims for a biological basis for behaviour, including the effect of hormones, brain structure and the importance of understanding these.
  • Mental health: a look at how mental health is studied and some of the models of mental illness. This session will look at mental illness and how it is treated, as well as discussing the problems with ‘labelling’ those with mental illnesses.
  • Personality and individual differences: the importance of understanding individual differences and determining norms, including psychological testing for intelligence, cognitive style, and emotion (including social, biological and cognitive processes)


All of the sessions include discussions, both informal (i.e., discussing preparation tasks in the beginning of the lecture), as well as more formal discussions (using interactive online polling tools to test your knowledge or check where they stand on a question; or dividing the class into groups to discuss specific issues, which are then disseminated in the entire group).

You will be asked to prepare before each session, which involves for instance either reading a research study or a chapter, or watching a documentary, a film, or a TED talk.

You will submit assignments through the module VLE, though which you will receive written feedback commenting your assessments. You will receive feedback within two weeks of submission.

  • Coursework: Analytical essay (80%)
  • Practical: Class participation - awarded according to engagement in class and homework activities (20%)
  • ECTS value: 0
  • Requirements: You must be prepared to attend all classes and to spend about an hour a week preparing for each session
  • This module is designed as an undergraduate Level 4 course. For an explanation of levels, view the Imperial Horizons Level Descriptors page.‌