
Thank you e-card

Say a thank you to someone who has been key to you. (Access via the 'recognition' tab.)

Send a thank you e-card

Our community have worked tirelessly during the pandemic and today we recognise your commitment to the College.

We‘ve come to the end of the initial adaptation and preparation period where the efforts you’ve made have enabled the campus to keep operating, supported our students, sustained our ongoing research activity and prepared the College for a return to teaching and research under new restrictions in the autumn term.

We’ve overcome many challenges together despite being apart throughout. We appreciate that much more work and uncertainty lies ahead, thank you for all you have done, and all your continued support as we enter the new academic year.

Thank you to our community

Thank you to our community

Take a moment today to show your appreciation and thank a colleague or team who has helped you in the last few months. You can send them a personal e-card (access via the 'recognition' tab at the top left of the screen after following the link) or post a thank you on the all staff Yammer group for the whole community to see using the hashtag #ThankYouDay.

Thank you.

Key Workers

We are incredibly grateful to our Imperial key workers who have been on campus throughout lockdown. These colleagues have been essential in keeping our campuses, research, students, the NHS and our whole community supported. View our long list of key colleagues in the video below:

Imperial’s key workers

Imperial’s key workers

Your nominations

We welcomed your nominations to highlight colleagues and teams who have been ‘key to you’. The below colleagues and teams have gone above and beyond to support their colleagues in so many ways during a difficult time. Read the wonderful nominations below.

Nomination names via faculty