The charts below show the split by gender, ethnicity, and disability when we order hourly rates of pay from highest to lowest and group into four equal quartiles.
The proportion of women in the upper quartile has improved since last year (35.7% from 34.8% a year ago). However, at the same time the proportion of female staff in the lowest paying quartile has also increased slightly, with women accounting for 54.1% of this cohort, compared to 50.6% 12 months ago.
There has also been slight shift in the proportion of women in the upper-middle quartile to 48.2% from 49.1% in 2023. In terms of the lower-middle quartile, there has also been an increase in the proportion of women (54.5% compared to 51.8% a year ago).The representation of BAME staff across the university has remained fairly stable, showing a very small increase from 28.2% to 28.8% across the 12-month period. There has been little change in representation across the quartile groups. The proportion of those not disclosing their ethnicity has increased to 17.5% of the staff population and noticeably employees in the lower paying roles are less likely to disclose their ethnicity – with ethnicity unknown or undisclosed 32.4% of lower quartile roles. These roles are, therefore, excluded from the ethnicity pay gap calculations as these can only be calculated for staff whose ethnicity is known.
This is the first year the Disability Pay Gap has been calculated, so there is no basis to calculate trends.