This is a specialist role and only one individual within the team has the required skillset to carry out this role. Significant changes are required to the role due to a change in role requirements e.g. amalgamation/expansion of service, increase in size of team and/or workload, new legislation requirements, introduction of new technology. There is now a requirement for a role with greater responsibility, which has accountability for a broader remit, as well as line management responsibility for a new, more junior, post. The postholder has been operating successfully in the present role, has shown capacity to adjust to new requirements and has helped the organisation to prepare for these changes. The new role has been approved via establishment review and is confirmed as one grade higher than the existing role. The headcount in the team remains the same and so the existing role will be deleted and replaced with this new higher graded role.
- The current postholder is consulted with about the proposed change to their current role.
- As part of the consultation, the suitability of the new role is discussed with the existing post holder and it is concluded that the new role may well be a suitable alternative for this individual, based on the similarity in skills, knowledge and experience required.
- The new role is ringfenced for the existing postholder who is given the opportunity for a priority interview to determine suitability.
- Following the interview process, if it is decided that the new higher graded role is suitable for the existing postholder, they will be appointed to the role and a development plan will be put in place to support the individual in the new role.
- Or if it is decided that the new higher graded role is not suitable for the existing postholder (i.e., the postholder has been unable to demonstrate that they have the necessary skills, knowledge, and experience to undertake the role and will not be able to obtain this through on the job training), they will be placed at risk of redundancy and the Change Management process will be followed. The new role will go to external recruitment.