The development of our values links directly to us achieving our Strategy and delivering the College Mission, by stating what is important to us and how we work together. To help make the strategy a reality, the Provost's Board wanted to develop a set of values and behaviours that will:

  • create clarity by articulating positive behaviour 
  • support consistency across the College  
  • raise a shared awareness through ongoing conversations  
  • set priorities and define the leadership behaviour that is most valued by staff  
  • acts as a basis for feedback and provide a framework for improvement focused conversations  
  • reinforce a culture where valued behaviours are recognised and poor behaviours addressed  

The development of College values helps us respond to the shifting external environment and respond to the challenges of new ways of working and increasing concerns about mental health and wellbeing. 

The draft values have been co-created with contributions from across College and active involvement from Provost’s Board. The working draft values were borne from the application of an appreciative inquiry approach, listening and talking to staff at all levels of the organisation. 

Over 80 focus groups were held between January and August 2020, followed by a series of discussions that included Provost's Board, heads of department, College Consuls and Imperial Technicians. 

A project team drawn from across HR and led by Susan Littleson, is working with the Provost to align our work with the other culture initiatives across College. We are working towards confirming our core values and behaviours in Summer 2021, with an intended launch in October 2021. 

It is intended for College values to be present and visible in all we do. Whether recruiting staff, managing teams, celebrating positive behaviour or reviewing how and what we’ve achieved. We will be working with colleagues in HR and beyond to identify where and how best to embed values and their associated behaviours.  

There will be specific materials to support managers and leaders to apply the behaviours in all they do. The roll out of College values will not only see some of our policies and practices reviewed, but more importantly provide tools for us all to embrace them in our daily life at Imperial. 

College values and behaviours are expected to provide an overarching framework in which any local values can co-exist and evolve together. If you would like to explore how your local values may be supported, please contact Nichola Stallwood.


College values will gradually absorb Imperial Expectations building on these helpful definitions and intended outcomes. As we continue to develop our values they will extend in scope to support our community of staff, students, visitors and supporters.