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Common Frog (Rana temporaria)


Frogs are amphibians, which means  ’tail-less’, from the Greek an-, meaning ‘without’ and oura, meaning ‘tail’.  Formerly, they were referred to as Salientia, which comes from the Latin salere, ‘to jump’. Frogs are, of course, known for their jumping ability, as well as their strange life cycle — born as tadpoles, which later go through a metamorphosis. However, did you know that frogs — in common with other amphibians — can breathe through their skin. This allows them to hibernate for several months beneath piles of mud and decaying leaves underwater. Common frogs become sexually mature at around three years of age. During February and March they begin to emerge from hibernation and make their way to the breeding grounds. Common frogs have been seen to return annually to the sites where they originally developed from spawn into adult frogs. This frog was found in the back garden by my Dad while I was visiting for Easter.




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