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World Heritage


Welcome to my favourite place in the world, the Lake District. This is a panaroma shot I took while hiking near Claife. It was starting to rain, so I had to protect my camera and take the shot quickly.


A few months ago, the UK government put the Lake District forward as one of its 11 nominees for new UNESCO World Heritage Sites.


Other sites nominated by the government include the Forth Bridge and St Helena, the South Atlantic island where Napoleon died in1821. The government is also making a third attempt to have Charles Darwin’s former house in Kent recognised as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.


So, why is UNESCO World Heritage Site status important? Well, UNESCO recognition brings with it a range of benefits, particularly in terms of conservation. For the Lake District, it also highlights the cultural importance of an area where the government was recently attempting to sell-off vast swathes of forest land. Article 27 (Section VI) of the ‘UNESCO Convention Concerning the Protection of World Cultural and Natural Heritage’ states:


You can read the ’UNESCO Convention Concerning the Protection of World Cultural and Natural Heritage’ in full here.





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