Innovative Continuous Manufacturing for Industrial Chemicals (IConIC)
Imperial and BASF in major partnership to advance future of chemical production
The partnership on Innovative Continuous Manufacturing of Industrial Chemicals (IConIC) is led by BASF and also includes Almac, AM Technology, CPI, METTLER TOLEDO Autochem, Siemens,and Sterling Pharma Solutions, we have pooled their expertise to advance flow chemistry, a production technique in which the required reactions take place in continuous operation rather than in batches.
Imperial will receive £17.8 million from the Engineering & Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) and industry partners under the EPSRC Prosperity Partnership programme in a consortium of organisations from across the chemicals value chain.
Consortium partners will benefit not only from access to new technologies developed by IConIC, but access to the White City ecosystem and the opportunity to work with talented research students who could provide the skills needed to create a rejuvenated green chemical industry.
The partners will carry out research spanning chemistry, engineering, and advanced data science to generate the know-how and intellectual property required to make continuous processing work effectively at smaller scales, including in research and development labs, pilot facilities, and in the production of high-value chemicals such as pharmaceuticals, agrochemicals, and speciality chemicals.