Key people and organisations involved (Imperial College): 



Habibi et al; Neutrophilic inflammation in the respiratory mucosa predisposes to RSV infection. Science, 2020; 370(6513): eaba9301


  • Wellcome Trust (087805/Z/08/Z, 102126/B/13/Z, and 109058/Z/15/Z)
  • The Medical Research Council HIC-Vac network (MR/R005982/1)
  • RSV Consortium in Europe (RESCEU) Horizon 2020 Framework Grant 116019
  • UK National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Comprehensive Local Research Networks (CLRNs)
  • European Respiratory Society and the Asociación Latinoamericana de Tórax joint long-term Research Fellowship 2019 (LTRF 201901-00546)
  • NIHR Senior Investigator award
  • Biomedical Research Centre (NIHR Imperial BRC)
  • Health Protection Research Unit in Respiratory Infections at Imperial College London (NIHR HPRU RI)