Shenice Lalor completed her Maintenance Technician Apprenticeship in 2018 and now works in our Estates Projects team as an Engineering Technical Assistant.

“I think everyone should do an apprenticeship”, says Shenice. “I didn’t want to follow the traditional path of completing my A-levels and then going to university. By doing an apprenticeship, I received hands-on experience and was able to study too, which gave me the chance to think about what I enjoyed doing."

"Imperial felt out of reach for someone like me, but I have gained a lot of skills since joining the apprenticeship scheme. My communication skills have improved because I’ve been pushed outside of my comfort zone. It sounds quite basic, but this apprenticeship has helped me understand how to talk to colleagues in a professional setting,” Shenice explains.

During her apprenticeship, Shenice spent time delivering maintenance services across Imperial’s buildings and campuses.

“If staff had an issue with air conditioning or lighting, I would visit them to understand the problem and provide a fix. I could be on a ladder taking apart air conditioning units one day, and the next, I could be wiring ballasts in a light fitting.” 

Shenice says her favourite element of the apprenticeship was seeing the hidden side of the College: “I’ve been able to see a different side to Imperial, like getting the chance to explore the vast underground tunnel network, and the many plant rooms which house the machinery that keeps the College running.” 

Hear from other Imperial apprentices >>


This case study is adapted from a news story, Imperial apprentices celebrate achievements at graduation ceremony. Read the story in full