Upcoming Events:

  • The Control and Power (CAP) Group of Imperial College London is organizing the inaugural summer school - Imperial Summer School on IBR-dominated Power Systems (02.09.2024 - 06.09.2024). Click here for more details.

Past Events: 

National Grid ESO visits UK-EPICS at Imperial College London (07.03.2024)

Prof. Mark O'Malley, Dr. Akylas Stratigakos, and Mr. Chotiya Mahittigul from the Leverhulme Team co-organized and co-led the G-PST AI Workshop in Edinburgh (19.02.2024 - 23.02.2024) in collaboration with Prof. Chris Dent and Dr. Lars Schewe from the University of Edinburgh. 

The workshop was funded by the International Centre for Mathematical Sciences (ICMS) as part of Prof. Chris Dent's KE Catalyst scheme to work with G-PST. The weeklong workshop hosted system operators, industry partners, and academics from around the world. The workshop featured a tutorial on AI in power systems, presentations from system operators about current & future challenges in the industry, and a two-day brainstorming session on these problems. These brainstorming sessions successfully generated 7 research challenges for future work. Besides the successful workshop, the evening life was also vibrant with pub gatherings, visit to the opera, dances, hiking and much more!

Prof. Ian Dobson visits Imperial and the Leverhulme Team (31.01.2024), and gives a talk on - Leveraging utility outage data to quantify resilience. Abstract - We start with the detailed historical outage data that is routinely collected by transmission and distribution utilities. This outage data is processed into resilience events of all sizes, and outage, restore and performance processes for each event. This leads to resilience metrics and quantification of resilience risk. Statistical models of the processes lead to further insights and relationships for resilience metrics. The overall effect of resilience mitigations can be quantified by “rerunning history” by sampling with selected outages deleted. This work is collaborative with Svetlana Ekisheva at NERC for transmission systems, and Arslan Ahmad and Zhaoyu Wang at Iowa State University for distribution systems.

Think Smartgrids is an association that brings together the leaders in the French smart grid ecosystem. Each year, Think Smartgrids awards a thesis prize to young researchers whose work has distinguished itself by its quality and contribution to smart grids and the energy transition. This year Dr. Akylas Stratigakos received the best thesis in the male category award for his contributions on leveraging machine learning and operations research to support decision-making in systems with penetration of renewable energy sources (23.01.2024).

Dr. Debargha Brahma receives the Grid India Power System Awards (GIPSA) - 2024 for research excellence in power systems in the Doctoral Category (18.12.2023).

Leverhulme Team hosts EPICS Team at Imperial (12.12.2023). Visiting members of EPICS - Prof. Benjamin Hobbs (Johns Hopkins University), Prof. Yury Dvorkin (Johns Hopkins University), and Prof. Pierluigi Mancarella (University of Melbourne).