The Fortessa I is a 14 colour analyser with four lasers (Violet 405nm, Blue 488nm, Yellow-Green 561nm and Red 640nm), a fixed optical alignment and a pressure-driven fluidics system. The flow cell is a gel-coupled cuvette as opposed to the jet-in-air system, and this combined with trigon and octagon detection systems provide increased sensitivity and resolution. This arrangement allows filter and mirror changes within the optical array to be made easily and requires no additional alignment for maximum signal strength.

Forward and side scatter properties (FSC and SSC) allow for a minimum detectable particle size of 0.5 μm. The maximum data acquisition rate is 40,000 events/second. We recommend a minimum sample volume of 300 μL.

For more information, please read the BD LSRFortessa Cell Analyzer Technical Specifications.

Download a complete configuration of Fortessa I Lasers and Filters, including fluorochromes and bandpass filters. You can also find it below.

Violet 405nm
Bandpass filterMirrorFluorochrome
 450/50  -   DAPI, Pacific Blue, BV421, Marina Blue, AF405 
 525/50  475LP   AmCyan, BV510, Qdot 525 
 605/12  595LP  BV605, Qdot 605
 710/40  690LP  BV711
Summary of the table's contents
Blue 488nm
Bandpass filter
 488/10  -   -
 530/30  505LP   FITC, AF488, GFP
 695/40  635LP  PerCP-Cy5.5, Per-CP
Summary of the table's contents
Yellow-Green 561nm
Bandpass filterMirrorFluorochrome
 582/15  -  PE, AF546
 610/20  600LP  PE-TexasRe, PE-CF594, mCherry
 660/20  630LP  PE-Cy5
 710/50  685LP  PE-AF700, PE-Cy5.5
 780/60  750LP  PE-Cy7
Summary of the table's contents
Red 640nm
Bandpass filterMirrorFluorochrome
 670/14  -  APC, AF647
 730/45  710LP  AF700
 780/60  755LP  APC-Cy7, APC-H7
Summary of the table's contents


Sir Alexander Fleming Building, 5th floor, Room 532.

The Fortessa I is available to any trained user 24 hours a day (subject to building access and regulations).