OpenShare is a TSB funded project to research and develop new methods of storing, accessing and working collaboratively with media in the Cloud. The aim is to make it possible for creative companies to work together securely with large volumes of high-resolution media, and for third parties to develop new applications that will work across public or private Clouds.

The outcome will be a ‘Platform as a Service’ approach that can be tailored to meet the needs of companies of any size, allowing them to work together safely and cost-effectively on projects ranging from small video productions to large advertising campaigns, product placement projects or feature movies.

The project will use Open Source technologies to produce middleware. It will publish the specification and API to encourage the development of new applications, and demonstrate a prototype PaaS with an on-line showcase of examples of its trial use.


Contact us

The London e-Science Centre
DoC, Huxley Building
Imperial College London
London SW7 2AZ