Colourful vials

The Long Group has expertise in applied synthetic inorganic and organometallic chemistry. Research interests focus on transition metal and lanthanide chemistry for the synthesis of functional molecules, homogeneous catalysis, and in recent years, probe design and novel methodologies for biomedical imaging.



August 2024

Congratulations to Nick on his presentation at the 2024 ICCC conference in Colorado where he showcased the group's recent works!

We also say goodbye to Giorgia, Saanchi and Ken. We hope you enjoyed your time here and wishing you all the best with your studies!

June 2024

Welcome to Giorgia, Saanchi and Ken who will be carrying out their UROP projects in the group!

May 2024

Congratulations to Will and Ryan for their paper titled "Highly Efficient and Scalable p-i-n Perovskite Solar Cells Enabled by Poly-metallocene Interfaces" published in JACS!

April 2024

A warm welcome to Tom who is returning as a postdoctoral researcher on thermoelectronic molecules. Nice to see you back with us Tom!

March 2024

Many congratulations to Shane on passing his viva for his PhD! We wish you the best in your future career and look forward to seeing your progress!

Congratulations to Ed for his paper titled "Mitochondria-targeting biocompatible fluorescent BODIPY probes" published in Chemical Science!

Great job Saul for his oral presentation at the FB3 conference in Hong Kong! Saul also had a reunion with former group members Sammy, Shirley and Lijun.

December 2023

Many congratulations to Tom on passing his viva for his PhD titled "Site-Specific Conjugation for the Synthesis of Radiopharmaceuticals". Great job Tom!

October 2023

Welcome to Christina, Bihan, and Mrunal to the group! We hope you a very successful PhD!

Welcome Hongxuan, Henry, Rie and Xinyu to the group, they are carrying out their MSci projects within the Long group.

Previous News

September 2023

Congratulations to Tom for his paper titled "Site-Specific 68Ga Radiolabeling of Trastuzumab Fab via Methionine for ImmunoPET Imaging" published in Bioconjugate Chemistry!

August 2023

Congratulations to Jin on passing his viva for his PhD titled "Developments and applications of the aluminium-[18F]fluoride method for biomolecule radiolabelling". It was a pleasure to have you in the group, and the best of luck for your new position in Hammersmith hospital!

Welcome Grace and Jackson to the group!

June 2023

Congratulations to Nick on being awarded the 2023 Interdisciplinary Prize from the Royal Society of Chemistry! Nick was awarded the prize for ‘innovative synthetic chemistry applied to the fields of functional materials and biomedical imaging’ and received a medal and prize money. 

You can read more about this on the Imperial news article, and see Nick's award page on the RSC.

April 2023

Good job Saul for his presentation, and Ben and Katharine on their posters, representing the group at the RSC Dalton 2023 conference! Special congratulations to Katharine on being one of the winning posters in the "Sir Geoffrey Wilkinson Dalton Poster Competition" for her poster titled "Redox-switchable organometallic initiators for ring-opening polymerisation of cyclic esters."

Congratulations to William for his paper titled "Rapid short-pulses of focused ultrasound and microbubbles deliver a range of agent sizes to the brain" published in Scientific Reports!

February 2023

Welcome Will and Ryan, our new postdoctoral researchers! Will is looking into synthesising organometallic interfaces for perovskite solar cells and Ryan is researching new carbonic anhydrase mimics for applications in plant chemical biology.

January 2023

Well Done Dr. Bradley Osborne on passing his viva! His thesis was titled "Lipophilic and Cationic Gallium-68 Complexes for the Detection of Mitochondrial Dysfunction". We are very excited that Brad is staying in the group as a postdoctoral researcher!

Welcome Sean, Anita and Francesco to the group, they are carrying out their MRes projects within the Long group.

October 2022

Welcome Poppy and Titan, new first year PhD students! Poppy is starting research into the development of chelators for heavy and under-utilised radiometals, whilst Titan continues his master's project research on dual-modal therapeutic agents for targeting HO-1.

August 2022

Congratulations to Saul and Christina for their paper titled "Synthesis and anti-microbial activity of a new series of bis(diphosphine) rhenium(v) dioxo complexes" published in Dalton Transactions.