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  • Journal article
    Leonetti M, Kormushev P, Sagratella S, 2012,

    Combining Local and Global Direct Derivative-free Optimization for Reinforcement Learning

    , International Journal of Cybernetics and Information Technologies, Vol: 12
  • Journal article
    Shen H, Yosinski J, Kormushev P, Caldwell DG, Lipson Het al., 2012,

    Learning Fast Quadruped Robot Gaits with the RL PoWER Spline Parameterization

    , International Journal of Cybernetics and Information Technologies, Vol: 12
  • Conference paper
    Kormushev P, Caldwell DG, 2012,

    Simultaneous discovery of multiple alternative optimal policies by reinforcement learning

    , Pages: 202-207
  • Conference paper
    Kormushev P, Ugurlu B, Colasanto L, Tsagarakis NG, Caldwell DGet al., 2012,

    The anatomy of a fall: Automated real-time analysis of raw force sensor data from bipedal walking robots and humans

    , Pages: 3706-3713
  • Journal article
    Calinon S, Kormushev P, Caldwell DG, 2012,

    Compliant skills acquisition and multi-optima policy search with EM-based reinforcement learning

    , Robotics and Autonomous Systems
  • Journal article
    Dallali H, Kormushev P, Li Z, Caldwell DGet al., 2012,

    On Global Optimization of Walking Gaits for the Compliant Humanoid Robot COMAN Using Reinforcement Learning

    , International Journal of Cybernetics and Information Technologies, Vol: 12
  • Conference paper
    Kormushev P, Ugurlu B, Calinon S, Tsagarakis N, Caldwell DGet al., 2011,

    Bipedal Walking Energy Minimization by Reinforcement Learning with Evolving Policy Parameterization

    , Pages: 318-324
  • Journal article
    Filippi S, Cappe O, Garivier A, 2011,

    Optimally Sensing a Single Channel Without Prior Information: The Tiling Algorithm and Regret Bounds

    , IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing
  • Journal article
    Kormushev P, Calinon S, Caldwell DG, 2011,

    Imitation Learning of Positional and Force Skills Demonstrated via Kinesthetic Teaching and Haptic Input

    , Advanced Robotics, Vol: 25, Pages: 581-603
  • Journal article
    Kormushev P, Nomoto K, Dong F, Hirota Ket al., 2011,

    Time Hopping Technique for Faster Reinforcement Learning in Simulations

    , International Journal of Cybernetics and Information Technologies, Vol: 11, Pages: 42-59

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