Our JEOL STEM/TEM 2100Plus LaB6 source filament is a multi-purpose Transmission Electron Microscope, with an advanced control system for enhanced ease of operation.

•    Point resolution: 0.23 nm
•    Lattice resolution: 0.14 nm

The JEOL STEM/TEM 2100Plus is used for wide range of applications from materials science to medical/biological studies. The advanced control system allows integration of STEM, EDS as well as remote operation. The TEM is routinely used for characterising microstructure at interfaces in metals, ceramics, biological samples and study the morphology and distribution of nano-size particles, lattice imaging and chemical structures. Low electron dose and Cryo-TEM analysis of biological samples are routinely performed on this TEM.

diffusion bonding between two nickel-based superalloys













diffusion bonding between two nickel-based superalloys 3

TEM JEOL 2100Plus help and support

  • Dr Mahmoud Ardakani

    Personal details

    Dr Mahmoud Ardakani Research Officer, Harvey Flowers Electron Microscopy Suite

    +44 (0)20 7594 6739


    Department of Materials
    Royal School of Mines
    Lower Ground Floor, LG05