Tabs to group contacts alphabetically

 Academic contacts A-E
Profile Name and role Contact details Research interests
 Pavlos Aleiferis

Professor Pavlos Aleiferis

Professor of Thermofluids

+44 (0)20 7594 7032

My research interests are in the field of turbulent multiphase flows and heat transfer, covering injection and spray formation, chemical reactions, cavitation, flash boiling and supercritical conditions, using Laser-based optical diagnostic techniques and computational fluid dynamics. Applications are diverse, including sustainable fuels and hydrogen for low-carbon propulsion technologies and thermofluid aspects of electrification of transport.
Andrew Amis 

Professor Andrew Amis

Professor of Orthopaedic Biomechanics

+44 (0)20 7594 7062

 My research interests include the design of artificial human joints, tendons and ligaments and the mechanical analyses of biological systems and structures.
Richard van Arkel 

Dr Richard van Arkel

Senior Lecturer

My research investigates orthopaedic systems, exploring: how surgical interventions restore healthy joint function, how implants behave in the body, and how new technologies, such as additive manufacturing, could improve treatments.
 Daniel Balint

Professor Daniel Balint

Professor in Solid Mechanics

+44 (0)20 7594 7084

 My research interests include: metal forming, materials modelling, defect and damage evolution, grain boundary decohesion and sliding, superplasticity, size effects, CPFE methods, discrete dislocation plasticity modelling, XFEM methods, thermal barrier coatings and functionally graded materials, thin film delamination/fracture, failure of paints and coatings, modelling of elastic/plastic fracture, and orthopaedic biomechanics.
Bamber Blackman 

 Professor Bamber Blackman

Professor of the Mechanics of Materials

+44 (0)20 7594 7196

 My research interests include: fracture mechanics of engineering adhesive joints, surface pre-treatment and adhesive bonding, delamination of composite materials, high speed impact response and high speed photography, structure-property relationships (including atomic force microscopy and dynamic mechanical analysis), and standardisation of fracture test methods.
 Michael Bluck

Dr Michael Bluck

Reader in Nuclear Engineering

+44 (0)20 7594 7055

 My research interests include: nuclear reactor thermal hydraulics; nuclear fusion; hybrid, coupled numerical methods; electromagnetic, acoustic and elastodynamic wave propagation; boundary integral equations; finite element methods; applications of differential forms to numerical methods; multipole methods for fast numerical solutions of discrete problems; and model based event correlation in networks.
 Teng Cao

 Dr Teng Cao

Lecturer in Thermofluids

+44 (0)20 7594 7186

 My research is in the field of turbomachinery which is a crucial component for the current and future energy systems in the world. I am passionate about improving turbomachines performance, including efficiency, stability, and robustness, through understanding its aerothermal mechanics using both numerical and experimental methods.
Peter Cawley 

 Professor Peter Cawley

Professor in Mechanical Engineering

+44 (0)20 7594 7000

 The motivation of my work is to solve real industrial inspection problems. I work within the Non-Destructive Evaluation research group, which currently looks at the following research themes: Imaging, Inspection and Monitoring, and Material Characterisation.
 Fred Cegla

 Dr Frederic Cegla

Reader in Mechanical Engineering

+44 (0)20 7594 8096

 My research interests are in the field of non-destructive evaluation and structural health monitoring. Most of my activities are focused on the modelling, design and application of advanced transducers in industrial plants like refineries or power stations.
 Maria Charalambides

Professor Maria Charalambides

Professor of the Mechanics of Materials

+44 (0)20 7594 7246

 My group’s research deals with mechanical characterisation and modelling of soft solids, micromechanics models for particulate composites and cellular solids, measurement and modelling of interfaces.
 Catrin Davies

 Dr Catrin Davies

Reader in Structural Integrity of Alloys

+44 (0)20 7594 7035

 My research interests include: elastic-plastic-creep fracture mechanics; residual stress; welding; finite element modelling; and additive manufacturing processes.
 John Dear

 Professor John Dear

Professor of Mechanical Engineering

+44 (0)20 7594 7086

 My research expertise is in structural integrity of materials including manufacturing and micro-structural effects.
 Daniele Dini

 Dr Daniele Dini

Professor in Tribology

+44 (0)20 7594 7242

 My research is in tribology, the study of friction, wear, and lubrication. Applications include performance of lubricants, biomedical implants, arerospace and automotive. Most of my activities are related to modelling and simulations.
Dr Matt Eaton

Dr Matthew Eaton


+44 (0)20 7594 7053

 My research interests encompass computational radiation transport, computational fluid dynamics, nuclear criticality, cloud radiation physics, nuclear reactor physics, radiation shielding and dosimetry, infra-red optical tomography, high-resolution finite volume methods, sub-grid scale modelling, non-linear Petrov-Galerkin methods, mesh generation, coupled radiation/heat/fluid dynamic problems and algebraic multigrid solvers.