2 col general content block poster rooms

Poster Room 1

Posters in this room:

  1. Similar Friction Modifiers Give Different Tribological Performance?  Song and J Wong
  2. Lubricant degradation in car engines, B Bolle, P Aleiferis and J Wong 
  3. Polymer Flexibility and Architecture: Controlling Lubricant Rheology with viscosity modifier A Mohamed, L di Mare, S Matthews, D Dini and J Wong
  4. Lubricants and viscosity modifiers: Mix, Match and Scale,  Gendreau and J Wong 
  5. Tribological Contact as Chemical Reactor J Wong, S Campen and C E Garcia 
  6. An Experimental Study into the mechanism of false brinelling contact damage Januszewki and A Kadiric 
  7. Prediction of Roiling Contact Fatigue Crack Propagation Using LEFM Kunselmann, P Rycerz, G Morales-Espejel and A Kadiric 
  8. Effects of Surface Roughness and Lambda Ratio on Micropitting B Wainwright and A Kadiric 
  9. In-situ monitoring of layer temperature in laser powder bed fusion, R J Williams, T Ronneberg, A Piglione, M-S Pham, C M Davies and P A Hooper
  10. Ultrasonic Monitoring of Dendrite Growth in Aqueous Zinc Ion Batteries, Y Zhang and F B Cegla 
  11. Novel Measurement of Creep Strain in Uniaxial Creep and Creep-Rupture Testing on Type 316H Stainless Steel M Jones, D Dean, M Spindler, C M Davies 
  12. A computational and experimental study on the effect of micro-aeration on the mechanical breakdown during the first bite, Samaras, D Bikos, P Cann, M Masen, Y Hardalupas, C Hartmann, J Viera and M N Charalambides
  13. Plaster-casting Characterisation for the Digital Design of Scoliosis Braces, I Sanz-Pena, S Arachchi, H V D Dilani, S Mallikarachchi, J Sasika, A H McGregor, P Silva, N Newell 
  14. Tetrapolar impedance measurements for closed-loop robotic cochlear implant surgery, D Bautista-Salinas, P Kassanos, E M Yeatman, C T Huins and F Rodriguez y Baena 
  15. Wear of polymers: investigating transfer film formations on polyimides, K K Yap and M Masen
  16. Biomimetic water-based lubricants: Nanoencapsulation with vehicles, M Murali, P Cann and M Masen
  17. The effect of degeneration of internal strains and mechanism of failure in human intervertebral disc, S Tavana, S D Masouros, N Baxan, B A Freedman, U Hansen and N Newell

Poster Room 2

Posters in this room:

  1. Characterising bubble formation from artificial and natural cavities during flow boiling conditionsD Yang, A Sergis and Y Hardalupas
  2. Instantaneous measurements of velocity and lengthscale of liquid structures along the interface of atomising liquids,  T Wang and Y Hardalupas
  3. Simultaneous Impact of Multiple Droplets on a Solid SurfaceA Goswami and Y Hardalupas
  4. Obstruction of spreading droplets by non-deformable objectsM Horwich and Y Hardalupas
  5. Supersonic Retro Propulsion for Mars Entry Descent LandingK Montgomery, P Bruce and S Navarro-Martinez
  6. Towards a virtual laboratory for hypersonic flows,  M Patel and S Navarro-Martinez
  7. Effects of electrostatic fields on hydrocarbon combustion: a reactive molecular dynamics study, E Kritikos, A Lele, A C T van Duin, A Giusti
  8. A Top-Down Approach to Understanding Fire Performance in Building Facades Using Standard Test DataM Bonner, W Wegrzynski, B Papis, and G Rein
  9. Multi-physicsbased modelling of fire within façade cavityB Khoo and G Rein
  10. Aerosol generation from rotary dental instruments: viral infection potential and mitigationA Sergis, Y Hardalupas, O Addison
  11. Understanding the impact of Friction on Aeroengine VibrationA Fantetti, C Schwingshackl and D Nowell
  12. Hermes: Insightful Rotor Dynamics, Reliable Condition Monitoring Next Generation AircraftsY Xu, L Muscutt, M Szydlowski and C Schwingshackl
  13. Nonlinear Vibration Analysis of Aerospace Structures in Large DeformationVibration Rolls-Royce UTC
  14. Nonlinear Modes of a Fan Blade Rubbing against the CasingVibration Rolls-Royce UTC
  15. ExCITE Damping predictive methodology for pipe vibration with clamp blocksA Tamer
  16. Aerodynamics of Multirotor UAVs: CFD Analysis of Interacting Lifting Surfaces, A Alfred, M Vahdati, L Salles
  17. Combinatorial Optimisation of Flan Blade Arrangement and Performance Prediction Using Surrogate Model and Machine LearningS Venkathesh
  18. Towards Improved Prediction of compressor Flow by Uncertainty Quantification of Spalart-Allmaras Turbulence ModelX He, F Zhao and M Vahdati
  19. Predicting the Modal Damping of Composite BladesVibration Rolls-Royce UTC
  20. ARIAS Seal Flutter RigF Hualca, Q Rendu, S Stapelfeldt and C Schwingshackl
  21. The effect of inlet flow conditions upon thermal mixing with a T-Junction, L Lampunio, Y Duan and M Eaton
  22. NURBS Enhanced Spatial Discretisation Methods for Nuclear Reactor Physics and Reactor Shielding Modelling and SimulationJ Ferguson, C Nutt, J Ferguson and M Eaton
  23. Phenomenological Modelling of Transient Nuclear Critically Excursion on Wetted Fissile PowdersG S Jones, M M R Williams and M Eaton