Module information on this degree can be found below, separated by year of study.
The module information below applies for the current academic year. The academic year runs from August to July; the 'current year' switches over at the end of July.
Students select optional courses subject to rules specified in the Mechanical Engineering Student Handbook, for example at most three Design and Business courses. Please note that numbers are limited on some optional courses and selection criteria will apply.
Mechanical Engineering (MEng 4YFT) 2024/2025
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Year 3
- Additional ECTS
- Automotive Design with Motorsport
- Computational Continuum Mechanics A
- Embedded C for Microcontrollers A
- Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in Engineering A
- Finite Element Analysis and Applications A
- Fluid Mechanics 3A
- Fracture Mechanics A
- Imperial Horizons
- Introduction to Nuclear Energy A
- Machine Dynamics and Vibrations A
- Manufacturing Technology and Management A
- Mathematics A
- Mechatronics 3A
- Statistics A
- Stress Analysis 3A
- Structure, Properties and Applications of Polymers A
- Thermodynamics 3A
- Tribology A
- Business Economics
- Corporate Finance Online
- Entrepreneurship
- Entrepreneurship Online
- Finance & Financial Management
- Managerial Economics Online
Year 4
- Additional ECTS
- Advanced Control
- Advanced Numerical Methods for Engineers
- Advanced Stress Analysis
- Aircraft Engine Technology
- Applied Advanced Optimisation (IDX module-Mech Eng use only)
- Applied Vibration Engineering
- Combustion, Safety and Fire Dynamics
- Composite Materials
- Computational Continuum Mechanics B
- Computational Fluid Dynamics
- Design, Art and Creativity B
- Embedded C for Microcontrollers B
- Energy Systems
- Environmental and Applied Fluid Dynamics
- Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in Engineering B
- Finite Element Analysis and Applications B
- Fluid Mechanics 3B
- Fracture Mechanics B
- Future Clean Transport Technology
- Imperial Horizons
- Interfacing and Data Processing
- Introduction to Nuclear Energy B
- Introduction to Robotics
- Machine Dynamics and Vibrations B
- Machine Learning
- Manufacturing Technology and Management B
- Mathematics B
- Mechanical Transmissions Technology
- Mechatronics 3B
- Metal Processing Technology
- Modelling and Control of Multi-body Mechanical Systems (IDX module-Mech Eng use only)
- Nuclear Reactor Physics
- Nuclear Thermal Hydraulics
- Optimisation (IDX module-Mech Eng use only)
- Statistics B
- Stress Analysis 3B
- Structure, Properties and Applications of Polymers B
- Sustainable Electrical Systems (IDX module-Mech Eng use only)
- Sustainable Engineering Design
- Thermodynamics 3B
- Tribology B
- Applications of Fluid Dynamics S5
- Biomaterials for Bioengineers
- Human Neuromechanical Control and Learning
- Nuclear Materials 1