Nominees and Award recipients

Congratulations to all current and former staff members who were nominated for these awards.

Read the full list of nominees and award recipients for the FoM 25th Anniversary Staff Awards

This celebratory awards process was launched for our jubilee year to help us acknowledge the many important and diverse contributions made across the Faculty over the last 25 years, some of which may have gone unrecognised at the time. 

Nominations could be made for current and former staff (including honorary staff) as appropriate.  

Nominations were primarily anticipated from staff and former staff, but they could also be submitted by alumni, Faculty partners or students.    The project was most importantly intended to offer a chance for our community to take some time to consider staff members or groups who they feel have done great things as part of the Faculty’s life that should be recognised and remembered.   This was a one-off celebratory process to recognise and record our thanks to contributors over the years to our Faculty’s development. 

In the autumn these nominations were brought together to share and celebrate these stories as part of our celebrations.  The nominations were reviewed by three panels (one for each of the three category areas) with the aim of selecting around twenty-five awards from across the breadth of submissions to receive FoM 25th anniversary commemorative awards.  The criteria for selection were focussed on  

  • the importance and/or distinctiveness of contributions and  
  • the beneficial effect the activity/nominee(s) have had on Faculty life and development 

The panels also looked to celebrate open, supportive and inclusive ways of working as part of our panel discussions and decision-making, and sought to ensure we had a broad and holistic representation of 25 years of Faculty life and strength among our awards 

All nominees were invited to a reception event hosted by the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Professor Jonathan Weber, in January 2023 to thank them for their contribution to the life of this Faculty.  The commemorative award winners were announced during the event. 

Thank you to all nominees, and to everyone who took time to think about and share with us the stories of staff present and past who should be recognised and thanked by the Faculty during our silver jubilee year.

Award Categories

Culture and community related

Administrative Support (personal and departmental)

These awards are for significant support given in support of the academic environment by personal assistants, executive assistants, department/division/section managers, and general financial assistants and managers over the last 25 years. Please see research and education awards section for further support categories. 

Outstanding Mentorship

These awards are for any individual that has provided outstanding mentorship over the last 25 years. 

Community Engagement

These awards are for outstanding community engagement over the last 25 years. This community engagement may be from an individual, group, centre or institute as applicable. This could be related to the involvement of the community in research, in outreach and other public engagement activities. 

Championing an Inclusive, Fair and Diverse Faculty 

These awards are for individuals who have made significant contributions in developing, promoting and championing equality and an inclusive culture within the Faculty over the last 25 years. 


These awards are for significant contribution in communicating the research, education and the overall environment of the Faculty over the last 25 years. This would include communications and PR officers/managers, those involved in student recruitment and marketing, alumni engagement and may also encompass examples of collaboration or leadership from Faculty members in effective communication with internal and external stakeholders about our work.  The award excludes examples of community outreach work, for which a separate category of award is available. 

Good Governance

These awards are for significant contributions to enhancing good governance and safeguarding within the Faculty over the last 25 years.  Examples may include contribution to clinical governance, quality assurance, safeguarding, information governance and data protection, or delivering secretariat functions of an outstanding quality. Nominations could be made for any Faculty member (individual or group) and may include collaborations between different staff groups. 

Education related

Outstanding Education Support 

These awards are for significant contributions to the support of educational programmes and the teaching environment over the last 25 years. Nominations may be for both individuals and teams if appropriate. Please see research and community awards section for further support categories. 

Excellence in Research Supervision

These awards are for individuals with a demonstrable history of excellence in postgraduate and/or post-doctoral research supervision over the last 25 years. 

Outstanding Pastoral Care 

These awards are for any staff member who has delivered outstanding pastoral care and support to undergraduate students over the last 25 years. 

Outstanding Leadership in Education

These awards are for outstanding leadership in education over the last 25 years. This can be for any level of staff throughout that period with a demonstrable record of leadership in education, be that at undergraduate or postgraduate level. 

Development of the Educational Portfolio

These awards are for significant contributions to the development and support of the education programmes (both clinical and non-clinical) offered throughout the Medical School and the Faculty over the last 25 years. This could be at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels as applicable. 


These awards are to recognise the incredible contributions made by teaching staff at both undergraduate and postgraduate level.  

Outstanding Contribution from Honorary Staff 

These awards are to celebrate the outstanding contributions over the last 25 years from our honorary colleagues to research and education. They may be from the NHS, industry, or elsewhere, held or hold an honorary contract with the College and conducted their research within the Faculty of Medicine or significantly contributed to the development or provision of education. (Note - this category can be found under the Research section in the nomination form, but coveres education and research)

Research related

Outstanding Research Support 

These awards are for significant contributions to research administration over the last 25 years. Nominations may be for both individuals and teams if appropriate. Please see community and education awards section for further support categories. 

Outstanding Technical Support 

These awards are for significant contributions to research and teaching from technical services staff across the Faculty over the last 25 years. Nominations may be for both individuals and teams if appropriate. 

Outstanding Achievement through Collaborative Research 

These awards are for significant scientific achievements from Imperial led collaborative research (i.e. consortia, clinical trials, large national/international research collaborations) over the last 25 years. 

Global Impact 

These awards are for outstanding research over the last 25 years that has had global impact beyond academia. This can include research conducted by an individual, research group, multi-institution collaboration, Imperial led consortium, or clinical trial at any point over the last 25 years. Research can have positively impacted on any area including, but not limited to, health, patients, society, business, disease, and the environment, on a global scale. 

Innovation and Entrepreneurship 

These awards are for outstanding innovation and/or entrepreneurship over the last 25 years. These awards can be given to an individual or partnership as applicable. 

Outstanding Contribution from Honorary Staff 

These awards are to celebrate the outstanding contributions over the last 25 years from our honorary colleagues to research and education. They may be from the NHS, industry, or elsewhere, held or hold an honorary contract with the College and conducted their research within the Faculty of Medicine or significantly contributed to the development or provision of education.