Hospital bed

Contact us

For any enquiries related to Functional outcomes and health service research, please contact

Professor Stephen Brett
+44 (0)20 3313 4521

Part of the Critical care clinical area. See our research publications.


We focus on three areas: Understanding and optimising long-term outcomes including methodology of trial design and outcome measurement, behavioural science within intensive care practice, and answering clinical and organisational questions using epidemiological methods, adopting both traditional and "big data" techniques. 

Summary of current research

  • Development of expert decision making
  • Development and validation of the Chelsea Physical Assessment tool
  • Patient experience of critical illness and recovery - a qualitative analysis
  • Behaviour, individual and organisational stress and its relationship to patient safety
  • Enhancing recovery after critical illness - a national collaborative developing a multi-centre programme grant application 
  • Using patient-reported outcome measures as feedback to improve anaesthetic performance
  • Welfare interventions in critical illness

Key members within Functional outcomes and health service research

Funders and collaborators