1. Very common risk: Developing gastroenteritis

How is it minimised?

  • Participants are treated with antibiotics to shorten duration.
  • Monitored for dehydration and given fluids to rehydrate

2. Uncommon risk: Invasive Salmonella infection

How is it minimised?

  • High risk people are excluded from the study.
  • Daily blood samples test for bacteria in the blood.
  • Immediate treatment to prevent severe symptoms.

3. Common risk: Antibiotic side effects

How is it minimised?

  • People with known allergies are excluded.
  • Treatment is as short as possible.
  • We monitor for and treat any side effects.
  • We can use alternative antibiotics if side effects occur.

4. Common risk: Post infectious irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)

How is it minimised?

  • Screening questionnaire for symptoms of IBS.
  • If symptoms don’t resolve, referral to a specialist.

5. Uncommon risk: Reactive arthritis (joint pain/swelling)

How is it minimised?

  • A screening blood test for HLA-B27
  • If symptoms occur, referral to a specialist.

6. Uncommon risk: Transmission or shedding

How is it minimised?

  • Quarantine until no longer infectious.
  • Participants given information and soap/disposable towels for good handwashing.
  • Testing at follow up visits.
  • Close contacts can be tested for Salmonella.



Contact us

To get in touch with a member of the study team, please email chants@imperial.ac.uk or call us +44(0)78 9498 6332