Amy Dighe

I study the transmission dynamics of emerging viruses. Over the past year I have been working within the Imperial College COVID-19 Response Team. I am also in my final year of my PhD project which aims to better understand camel-to-camel and camel-to-human transmission of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus. This involves spending a lot of time wrangling data, debugging code and curating an ever-growing collection of unsolicited camel related gifts from friends and family.  

As part of the COVID-19 response team I get to work with some incredible people every day who are unfailingly generous with their time despite the pressures, and who place huge importance on collaboration and mentorship of junior researchers. These people are a constant source of inspiration for me, and I am especially thankful to the female mentors I have who use their position and successes to build up others.  

During the pandemic I have enjoyed Suga Roy’s social media presence for a dose of reality and optimism from a junior doctor with many side hustles. She has recently started a YouTube channel - you can tune in here 

I am honestly most proud of getting through 2020!

One of my favourite lockdown activities has been 90s and early 00s work out videos. 

Read more about Amy Dighe's work here.