Julie Middleton

My work involves developing budgets for new applications for my group of PIs and their staff ensuring guidelines are followed and applications are submitted for review on schedule. When successful I also help co-ordinate projects post award working with contracts to get sub-contracts drafted and signed off, HR Admin for recruitment, and much more! Another large part of the role is general administrative support to all staff and students on my PI’s teams answering any queries and completing tasks such as arranging travel, meetings or organising workshops and managing the Wellcome Trust 1+3 PhD scheme etc.       

There have been/are so many inspirational women out there, it’s difficult to pick one – Maya Angelou, Michelle Obama, Anne Frank to name a few are powerful examples of those with ever-enduring strength! On a more personal level there are also all my female friends who constantly juggle bringing up their children, continuing their careers and balancing this with supportive friendships/partnerships.  

My two lovely children! And also making my way back into the work place after being fortunate enough to be able to take time off when they were younger and then work part-time/from home as they have grown up. I’ve changed industries from Finance to Telecoms and now to Higher Education and although they involve different technical knowledge, they have all been the source of some great colleagues some of whom have become friends.

I am an outdoorsy girl, but I’ve loved discovering many new places to walk my dogs during lockdown and I learnt how to SUP in the first lockdown.  A friend also organised a wild swim/trek as well which has got to be a firm favourite.