Environmental Research Group
Analysing the impacts of the environment on health in the modern world, the Environmental Research Group, is a leading provider of air and water quality information and research in the UK.
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Environmental Research Group

First-ever International Conference dedicated to exploring Air Quality Communications
Led by the Environmental Research Group
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Imperial community celebrates New Year Honours06 December 2024
Imperial alumni design the sustainable city of the future15 November 2024
Air pollution and medical networks: News from ImperialCleaning London's dirty air
This story is about Michael Hedges, a Research Postgraduate whose journey from taxi driver to PhD, grew his awareness and desire of the need to tackle and reduce air pollution. Michael first became conscious of the how toxic London's air was when he was a taxi driver and linked this to his children's asthma attacks. He decided that he wanted to help clean London's dirty air. Through his involvement in his trade union, he represented London's taxi drivers in discussions with London's then Mayor, Ken Livingstone and subsequent Mayors, helping to transform London's taxis away from diesel to the iconic electric taxis that are in London today.