Professor Jennifer Quint
I am a Professor of Respiratory Epidemiology, I also am an Honorary Consultant Physician in Respiratory Medicine at both the Royal Brompton Hospital and Imperial College London NHS Foundation Trust.
Harley Kwok
I am a second year PhD student, my current research investigates health inequalities among people with COPD in the United Kingdom using Electronic Healthcare Record.
Dr Alexander Adamson
Alexander Adamson has worked as a medical statistician at the National Heart and Lung Institute (NHLI) since 2017 and completed his PhD in 2022, and is now part of the School of Public Health. He worked on the Horizon 2020 Aging Lungs in European Cohorts study until the end of the project in April 2019, and now works on UK-wide secondary care audits relating to asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease as part of the National Clinical Audit and Patient Outcomes Programme (NCAPOP). He also works on numerous projects using Clinical Practice Research Datalink data, which is a large electronic healthcare record database containing British GP records. His interests lie in Bayesian statistics, machine learning, and the analysis of electronic healthcare records.
Rong Ding
I am a second year PhD student studying the influence of smoking on COPD diagnosis, management and comorbidities.
Zakariah Gassasse
I am a second-year PhD student funded by Health Data Research UK. My thesis focuses on the association between socioeconomic inequalities and asthma in England.
Dr Anne Ioannides
My current research involves using electronic healthcare records to investigate the interplay between chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, cardiovascular disease, and the pharmacological treatments thereof. Additionally, I also investigate the clinical and patient pathways of major respiratory diseases, including asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, bronchiectasis, and interstitial lung disease.
Dr Constantinos Kallis
My current research focuses primarily on a number of projects related to causal inference and prediction of adverse outcomes for patients with asthma. The main aim of these projects is to provide evidence for the effectiveness of treatments to reduce the risk of asthma exacerbations and poorly controlled asthma. An additional aim is to predict asthma exacerbations and other relevant outcomes to provide tools for decision support for asthma treatment planning.
Georgie Massen
I am a research assistant and third year PhD student. My current research investigates multi-morbid fibrosis using Electronic Healthcare Records. I am interested in interstitial lung diseases as well as gynaecological conditions.
Dr Ann Morgan
My Research uses electronic healthcare records to study interstitial lung diseases.
Dr Hannah Whittaker
My research consists of investigating the management of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease using routinely collected healthcare records. More recently, my research has investigated the long-term effects of COVID-19.
Leah Deshler
My current research investigates bronchiectasis in England using Electronic Healthcare Records. -
Mrs Elizabeth Moore
My current research focuses on establishing definitions and standards for respiratory diseases and outcomes for use in routine sources of electronic health records (EHR) to allow for robust comparisons across countries by ensuring that these definitions are fit for purpose for use in randomised controlled trials as well as observational studies.
Anna Mróz
Personal details
Anna Mróz Research ManagerAffiliations
I will co-ordinate the STANDOUT programme, the aim of which is to create a network of expert clinical, epidemiological and statistical researchers, early career investigators, industry collaborators, and patient and public representatives to advance scientific understanding, clinical management and patient outcomes by better use and standardisation of real world data.