atcThe 2021 Annual Teachers Conference for GP teachers took place on Wednesday 15 September from 9.00am-1.00pm.

Dr Farzana Hussain

We were delighted to welcome Dr Farzana Hussain as our keynote speaker. Dr Hussain is GP principal at The Project Surgery and Primary Care Network Clinical Director for Newham Central:

What will our communities value from the doctors of tomorrow?
Covid has changed the way we work and live forever. In a time when we  are shifting the NHS to a well-being rather than a "treating sickness" service, and our workforce is stretched, how do we work with our communities so we have happier doctors and healthcare staff and happier communities. And what does this mean for our roles as educators of the next generation of doctors?


9.00 am  Welcome
Prof Sonia Kumar, Director of Undergraduate Primary Care Education
Prof Azeem Majeed, Head of Department, Primary Care & Public Health, School of Public Health
9.15 am Keynote: What will our communities value from the doctors of tomorrow?
Dr Farzana Hussain, GP principal at The Project Surgery and Clinical Director of Newham PCN
9.50am Student presentations
10.45am Break 
11.00am Workshops
See below for details
12.00pm Student and tutor prizes
12.45pm Teaching options and close
1.00pm Faculty Development available for teaching options discussions



The workshop focuses on what it means to create an inclusive learning environment and the benefits of this. At this highly interactive workshop you will have the opportunity to learn from examples of good practice and your peers as well as to share your own ideas on the topic. We will explore barriers to inclusive practice and how these can be overcome, as well as inclusive language, teaching approaches and content. We expect you to come away from the workshop having learned some key principles around inclusive teaching approaches and with a greater understanding of how others are operating in this space.

Dr Shabana Bharmal Clinical Teaching Fellow, Primary Care, Imperial College London
Ms Bethany Golding Community Collaborations Lead, Primary Care, Imperial College London
Dr Kiran Eyre GP ITP ST1 trainee, Imperial College London

Many of us have experienced the highs and lows of live online learning through platforms like Teams and Zoom, both as providers and as learners. In this workshop, we will first share highlights from the literature around effective teaching in this modality. You will then work together in small groups of GP tutors to create a micro session in which you can apply these techniques. We will then attend each other’s micro sessions before sharing take-home messages.

Dr Viral Thakerar Primary Care Year 1 & 2 Course Lead, Imperial College London
Dr Sam Meiring GP ST2 OOPE trainee, Imperial College London

Using coaching approaches in your educational conversations will help you support students to really maximise their potential. In this workshop, you will become familiar with some key coaching principles and skills and will be equipped to start applying these in your own educational contexts as well as more widely.

Dr Arti Maini Deputy Director of Undergraduate Primary Care Education, Imperial College London
with Alexandra Cardoso Pinto and Ramya Sriskandarajah Year 4 Undergraduate Medical Students 

This workshop will look at how we can maximise our students’ learning experiences in the workplace. As busy GPs, we often need to be creative with the learning opportunities we generate for our students. And with the move towards remote consulting, this has presented new challenges. We look forward to our community tutors coming together to share their experiences of how they make this work in practice. 

Dr Vanessa Sivam Year 5 Primary Care Course Lead, Imperial College London
Dr Carly Szasz GP community tutor, Elliot Hall Medical Centre
Dr Faruq Fazal GP community tutor, Elliot Hall Medical Centre


This workshop will introduce you to the concept of professional identity formation and the factors that influence this process. We will be focussing on why it is important for medical students to develop strong professional identities and how we can best support them to do so.

We look forward to collaborating in small groups where we will be reflecting on our own personal experiences and sharing thoughts on best practice.

Dr Nina Dutta Faculty Development Lead, Primary Care, Imperial College London
Dr Jo Horsburgh Principal Teaching Fellow in Medical Education; Director of Postgraduate Studies (Centre for HE Research & Scholarship); Lead for Medical Education Research (MEdIC)

Graphic Medicine explores the use of comics within healthcare, including personal stories of illness and health. In this workshop, we will introduce graphic pathographies and discuss common techniques used in comics to convey meaningful patient and personal narratives. We will explore how graphic pathographies can be a creative and effective teaching tool within medical education, not only for students to better reflect on patient journeys, but also to support their professional wellbeing.  

Dr Neepa Thacker Year 5 Primary Care Course Lead, Imperial College London
Mr Tom Durley Primary Care Executive Officer, Imperial College London