The 2023 Annual Teachers Conference will take place on Friday 9 June 2023 at the Reynolds Building, Charing Cross Campus.

This year the theme is Health Equity and Sustainable Healthcare in Medical Education and we are delighted to have as our keynote speaker Dr Tamsin Ellis, London GP, Associate at the Centre for Sustainable Healthcare and co-chair of the national Greener Practice network.

Tamsin will take you through her journey to finding sustainable healthcare and how 'greening' general practice has improved her work as a GP and care for her patients. She'll explain tips and tricks for working with students and in your practices to become more sustainable, as well as introducing sustainable healthcare principles and how tackling inequalities lies at the heart of planetary health. 

The day will feature a lively mix of talks, student presentations and workshops aimed at community GP tutors teaching medical students. There will also be prizes and awards for our students and GP tutors.

The conference is free to attend and will take place in the Reynolds Building, Charing Cross Campus. Click the button below to register for a place. A map of the campus can be found here:

Please see below for the programme for the day and further details of the workshops. We look forward to welcoming you to the conference. 


9.00am  Registration
Coffee, tea and breakfast pastries
Reynolds Building
9.30am Welcome
Prof Azeem Majeed, Head of Department, Primary Care & Public Health, School of Public Health
Dr Arti Maini, Director of Undergraduate Primary Care Education
Drewe Lecture Theatre
9.40am Keynote: Dr Tamsin Ellis
Health Equity and Sustainable Healthcare in Medical Education
Drewe Lecture Theatre
10.35am Sustainable healthcare in the curriculum
Dr Renee Ewe with Year 3 Medical Students Eurydice Costopoulou and Ayda Alizadeh
Drewe Lecture Theatre 
11.00am Break
Coffee, tea and treats
Reynolds Building 
11.20am Morning workshops Reynolds Building 


Lunch Reynolds Building 
1.35pm Afternoon workshops Reynolds Building 
2.55pm  Break
Coffee, tea and cake
Reynolds Building 
3.10pm  Student award-winning projects
Introduced by Stephanie Powell and presented by GP placement leads
Drewe Lecture Theatre 
4.00pm  Teacher awards
Presented by Dr Arti Maini and Ms Nadine Engineer
Drewe Lecture Theatre  
4.30pm  Drinks and nibbles Reynolds Building


Student feedback is essential for educators to improve and innovate. However, when the feedback is critical, it can be perceived as a judgement on our personal and professional identity. In this interactive workshop we will explore our responses, share ideas and equip you with practical steps to working through and getting the most out of critical feedback.

Dr Naa Okantey,  Dr Anbreen Bi - GP ST2 trainees on Out of Programme Experience, Imperial College London

Our workshop will involve discussions about practical ways in which tutors can provide support to students who experience discrimination, in its various forms, on clinical placements. It will provide an opportunity for interactive discussion and group learning, as well as reflections on challenges and potential solutions. We will also share resources which students and tutors can access as well as support mechanisms which are available to our students.

Dr Sian Powell, Faculty Development Lead & Year 6 Course Lead, Imperial College London
Dr Agalya Ramanathan, Primary Care Teaching Fellow, Imperial College London
Dr Neepa Thacker, Clinical Teaching Fellow & Year 5 Course Lead, Imperial College London

This interactive workshop will explore principles of effective community engagement and collaboration, including asset-based approaches, and how to put these in practice within community-engaged student projects.

Ms Stephanie Powell, Community Collaboration Lead, Imperial College London
Odeta Pakalnyte, Community Engagement Manager, Listen to Act (formerly Healthwatch Central West London)

This workshop will explore the how poetry may be used in medical education and the possible benefits of using this approach. Participants will have the opportunity to explore the connections between poetry and lived experience; whilst considering how poetry may be used to facilitate reflection in their own teaching. We will also facilitate a short creative activity, where participants will have the opportunity, if they wish, to write a short poem based on their own experiences. No prior knowledge or experience of poetry is required!

Dr Megan Brown, Teaching Fellow in Medical Education Research, Imperial College London
Dr Ravi Parekh, Deputy Director, Medical Education Innovation & Research Centre, Imperial College London
Dr Stephanie Bull, Senior Teaching Fellow in Educational Research, Imperial College London  

Our students consume increasing amounts of information in bite-sized digital formats. How can we use similar digital technologies on GP placements to enhance, and not distract, from learning? We will explore what is practical in today’s GP environment as well as exciting developments on the horizon..  

Dr Viral Thacker, Clinical Teaching Fellow & Year 1&2 Course lead, Imperial College London
Dr Aaliya Mohammed, GP ST1 trainee (ITP), Imperial College London


We look forward to welcoming you to this interactive workshop where we will consider how you can maximise students’ learning experiences through activities that also add value for the practice.  We will discuss and share your existing approaches to teaching in practice and consider how to teach effectively in busy GP practices, including when time is short. We aim to provide tips for teaching techniques you can use in practice! Medical students may also assist with facilitation of this workshop. Facilitators:

Dr Felicity Lalloo & Dr Katie Scott, Clinical Teaching Fellows in Primary Care, Imperial College London

How does planetary health impact human health? What is sustainable healthcare? Why do our future doctors need to learn about sustainability?

In this interactive workshop, we will explore the topic of sustainable primary care and the current drivers for sustainable health care education. We will discuss some of the barriers to teaching this topic and brainstorm ideas to integrate sustainability into every teaching session.

Dr Renee Ewe, Clinical Teaching Fellow and Year 3 Course Lead, Imperial College London

In this workshop we will examine the important role that graphic design plays in communicating health messages to patients and communities.

Design thinking is human-centred, it starts with the needs and desires of people and involves observation, conversation, research and collaboration. It is fundamental that we make design decisions that are inclusive and accessible.

We will look at examples past and present of design in healthcare settings and public health campaigns, including tobacco advertising and smoking cessation, AIDS awareness and the response to COVID-19. We will discuss their effectiveness and provide you with the tools to help support students in developing and producing their own resources for patients.

Tom Rozier-Hope, Primary Care Executive Officer

Coaching approaches involve working in partnership with people to support them to identify and address what matters to them. In this interactive, experiential workshop, you will become familiar with some key coaching principles and skills and explore how these could be applied in your own educational and healthcare contexts with students and patients.

Dr Arti Maini, Director of Undergraduate Primary Care Education, Imperial College London

We all have an interest in ensuring our future colleagues have the opportunity to develop strong Professional Values. This workshop provides a chance to meet the Imperial Professional Values & Behaviours (PVB) Team to explore common issues pertaining to professional identity, quality healthcare and ethical practice in community placements, how we're teaching students professional values and behaviours in their core curriculum since 2019 and how you can have a key role in supporting the development of this learning in their clinical placements.

Dr Noreen Ryan, GP & Quality HealthCare Domain Lead, Imperial College London
Dr Lisa-Jayne Edwards and Dr Ruth Gailer (PVB Teaching fellows & GP trainees), Imperial College London